Left Behind pt.2

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This takes place before Left Behind pt.1. Sorry for not updating sooner!

Thalia's pov-

Percy smiled and blew out his candle. It was the son of Poseidon's 20th birthday. Even though everybody -including Percy's mother- said he was too old for a birthday party, he insisted that he had one. He was having his party at Camp Half-Blood in the dining pavilion. The whole camp came. Percy and all the other demigods in college had left for the occasion. Even most of the Romans came. The whole time everybody was talking about college; Thalia felt left out of the conversation. She would never go to college. 
Annabeth cut the blue cake and passed it out. Thalia was still surprised to see Annabeth look older than her. 

"Here you go, Thalia."

Annabeth said, passing a piece of cake to her. Thalia had to look up to look her in the eyes. Thalia wished she had chosen to be immortal when she was taller. 


Thalia sat in the shadows of the dance floor. It was Jason's and Piper's wedding. Jason, Piper, Leo, and Frank were 27! Annabeth and Percy were 28. Hazel was only 24. 
Looking at Jason, it was weird to think that she had once been more than five years older than him. 


Annabeth was motioning for her to come join them. 

"Come dance!"

Thalia pushed herself up from sitting against the walland joined the dancing crowd of demigods.

She had a great time. It was fun, dancing with her friends. It almost felt like she was their age, too. 
Until everybody went to the bar to get drinks. Thalia hung back, realizing she looked fifteen years old. She got a burst of confidence and sat down at the bar when Annabeth patted the seat next to her. Everybody ordered beers; when the bartender got to Thalia, he said,

"No underaged people at the bar."

He then skipped right over her and took the person beside her's order. 
Annabeth looked at her with pity. She hated pity.


"It's fine. I can't explain to him that I'm older than all of you."

With that, Thalia stood up and left the wedding. 


The seven, Nico, and Thalia were eating at a restaurant. Percy and Annabeth had brought their 4 kids. Jason, Piper, Hazel, and Frank had brought their kids, too. Nico came by himself. They had already eaten a huge dinner and were awaiting the check. 
Finally, the waitress came. 

"How do you want to divide up the check?"

"I have her,"

Percy pointed to Annabeth,

"and them."

He pointed to his 4 kids. Frank and Jason did the same.
The waitress wrote it all down. Before Thalia could say she was paying for herself, the waitress said,

"Who's kid is she?"

The waitress was pointing at Thalia. Thalia was well aware that she looked young enough to be one of their kids.

"I'm paying for myself."

Percy cleared his throat.

"She's not one of our kids. She's our friend."

The waitress gave them all a funny look. 


She separated the check. 
When they got up to leave, Jason turned to his much younger-looking older sister.

"Thals, I'm sorry. I-"


She cut him off.

"It's fine."

He gave her a slight nod and ran to catch up with his wife and kids. Thalia turned and walked away, alone.


Thalia wiped a tear from her cheek. It was Annabeth Chase's (Now Jackson), the most powerful demigod daughter of Athena ever, funeral. She was caught walking around a park one day by a monster that she couldn't kill. The funeral was at Camp Half-Blood. 
Percy was devasted. Annabeth was only 53. He would have to spend the rest of his life alone. Looking at Percy Jackson after the funeral, you wouldn't reconize him. He had huge bags under his eyes and he looked like he was holding the weight of the world by himself now that Annabeth was gone. 
Thalia didn't look a day over fifteen. She knew that one day her friends would die. She didn't think it would happen this soon. 
Thalia was leaving camp when she saw Percy sitting against the pine tree, her tree. Thalia plopped down on the ground next to him. He was staring at the Golden Fleece wistfully. 

"I remember when we found this,"

He said sadly. Thalia felt a tear fall down her cheek.

"I wish we could go back to being 13."

Percy wistfully said.

"I do, too. You guys were my best friends. I had the best times of my life with you and Annabeth."

Thalia whispered. 

Percy buried his head in his hands.

"I spent every year with her after I turned 12. How am I supposed to just forget about her?"

"You don't,"

Thalia whispered.

"But you go on with life. You fake smiles and happiness, when really, you just want them back. You pretend to move on. But you never forget, because forgetting means you lose the best moments of your life. Everyday, you wish you could have done something to make this turn out differently."

Percy looked at her. He knew that she wasn't just talking about Annabeth. She many scars on her heart, but the one that hurt the most was from a boy with blonde hair and bright blue eyes.


Thalia stared at the dirt. The youngest of her friends, Hazel, had died. She was 97 and passed away peacefully in her sleep. Hazel was the last of Thalia's friends from camp. The seven, Nico, Clarisse, Will, Connor, Travis, Reyna, all dead. 
She was at Hazel's funeral. Another tombstone had been added to the new CHB cementary, where all of her friend's were buried. She spent her off time from the hunt here, chasing away the teenage demigods trying to stick their gum on the tombstone, or sit on them when they were hanging out. Her friend's didn't deserve that.

Thalia had spent the last year's of Hazel's life with her, them being the only ones left of their friends. But Thalia should have died long ago. 

The new demigods didn't understand what the older ones had gone though to ensure their safety. It drove Thalia crazy when the younger demigods didn't know who the seven were. It made her furious when Luke was forgotten, 'just another demigod who died young for a good cause'. They didn't know their story. They knew that some big quest took place a long time ago, they didn't know the details of it. They didn't know who Grover was. They didn't know there had once been a red-headed artistic oracle. They didn't know about the Argo ll, or all their inside jokes. They were known as some demigods who saved the world, not kids who perserved and used all their strength to barely defeat Kronos or Gaea. 

Only Thalia was left to tell the story of their crazy, fun, and hard lives. 

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