The Boyfriend

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Another mortals meet demigods because it was requested so much.

Justin's pov (mortal)


Piper's head snapped up from her desk. She had been lazily staring out the window. Ms. Scott, the most strict English teacher, stood over her. Piper didn't even look scared; which seemed very odd to Justin. Everybody was terrified of Ms. Scott.


"Miss. Mclean, can you tell us the answer to question 15?"

Ms. Scott asked. She had a 'i caught you' look on her face. Piper glanced at the board and smirked.

"Of course. It was Persphone."

Ms. Scott was shocked. They hadn't even gone over that answer. The class was on question 7! But it didn't surprise Justin much. He knew Piper was fluent in Greek, so why wouldn't she know every answer to the questions on the Greek mythology unit they were studying.

"Uh, correct. Next time pay attention, or you will have detention."

Piper nodded. The bell rang. Everybody jumped out of their seats and sprinted to the door, eager to go to lunch.

"I dismiss you, not the bell!"

Ms. Scott screeched. (I hate teachers who do this) Everybody stopped and walked back to their seats, groaning. Ms. Scott smiled.

"Thank you. You may go."

Everybody, again, stood up and raced to the cafeteria. Justin caught up with Piper and slowed down to walk beside her.

"Don't you hate Ms. Scott?"

Piper laughed and rolled her multi- colored eyes.

"Yup. What's the point in keeping us 10 seconds longer?"

Justin nodded.


Justin had a huge crush on the daughter of Aphrodite. Well, a lot of people did in their school, but they were kindly turned down. Justin looked at Piper weirdly. She had turned at the wrong hallway, going towards the parking lot.

"Where are you going? The cafeteria's this way."

"I know. My camp friends are taking me to lunch."


Piper always talked about her 'camp friends'. When Justin asked where he could sign up to go to her camp, she told him that it wa a camp for kids with ADHD and Dyslexia. Piper waved bye to him and walked away.


Justin ran to her,

"Can I meet them?"

Piper looked worried.

"I guess."

Justin smiled and walked with her to the parking lot.

"Where are they?"

Piper sat down on the curb and sighed.

"They probably let Jason drive, which isn't smart. He drives like a grandma."

Justin laughed and sat down next to her.


*10 minutes later*

A large white van with the words 'Delphi Strawberry Service' painted on the side, pulled into the parking lot at a very slow speed. Piper jumped up and ran to the van. Justin ran after her. The side door opened and a tall blonde dude jumped out and hugged Piper. Another blonde girl with scary grey eyes jumped out and hugged her when the blonde dude let her go. A bunch of other teenagers jumped out and hugged her. Justin cleared his throat.

"Hey, Piper. Gonna introduce me?"

"Yeah! Sorry."

She smiled and faced her camp friends.

"Okay, that's Jason, Annabeth, Leo, Percy, Butch, Frank, Connor, Travis, Hazel, Nico, Thalia, Clarisse, and Chris. Guys, this Justin, my friend."

They nodded at him and a couple waved. They all climbed into the van. Justin eye's widened when he saw Piper turn and kiss Jason on the cheek.

"Wait, Piper!"

She climbed out of the van.


"Are you, uh, dating, ya know, Jason?"

She looked at him weirdly.

"Yes. Why?"

He glanced around.

"Just wondering."


She turned and climbed into the van. It sped off, with 2 different songs being played at the same time. Justin turned and sat on the curb. Of course, the one girl he liked was dating someone.

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