The Camp Reunion

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A/N- just a missing moment from BoO. And this is happier one shot. Sorry about the last one

Percy's pov

 Percy was extremely nervous. You would think that a guy who just saved the world a second time wouldn't be nervous about seeing his friends. But he wasn't your average hero. 

 After the Second Great Prophecy had been fulfilled, Percy hadn't had a real reunion with his friends from Camp Half-Blood. He missed the Stoll's pranks, and maybe he even missed being threatened by Clarisse and maimer. Just a little. And he definately didn't miss Mr. D. Maybe.

After the little 'fight' on Half-Blood hill, Percy had basically ran off with Annabeth to his mom's apartment. He had not even seen Sally since he fully regained his memory. Sally was all tears and hugs for the first couple minutes, then there was the whole 'how dare you run off on another quest without telling me' lecture. 

  Percy took a deep breath when he and Annabeth reached the entrace of camp. Percy grabbed her hand and pulled her closer to him. Annabeth look up at him, confusion on her face. 

"What's wrong, Seaweed Brain?"

"I'm just nervous, that's all."

She drew her eyesbrow together, confused.

"About what?"

"I'm nervous about camp being different. What if everything changed while I was gone? What if they all liked me being gone?"

Annabeth laughed.

"Percy. Everybody missed you, a lot. Yeah camp wasn't the same, because you were gone. "

Percy gave her a small smile.

"And I'm here, remember that."

Percy nodded. He walked through the entrance, hesistantly like the barrier would keep him out.
Annabeth laughed and tugged him forward. They ran down Half-Blood Hill, still holding hands.

Chiron and Mr. D were at the bottom waiting for them. Percy approached him slowly. 

"Good, you're here. I thought you weren't going to come."

Chiron said. Annabeth smiled and ran forward to hug him. 

"Of course we would come!"

Chiron realesed Annabeth and smiled at Percy. Chiron gave him an enormous hug. Since Chiron was in horse form, he literally lifted Percy off the ground. 

"I'm so happy to see the both of you alive and well,"

Percy forgot Chiron had watched many brave heroes leave on quests, only to never return. 

Mr. D gave him a slightly annoyed and maybe even... proud look.

"Peter Johnson, Annie Bell, still alive, I see."

Chiron chuckled.

"Come on. The camp is waiting."


All of Camp Half-Blood were waiting in the dining pavilion. Camp Jupiter's tents were still up, and most of the more accepting Romans were still at Camp Half-Blood. Clarisse was the first to see them.

She stood up and cupped her hands over her mouth.

"Hey, everybody!"

she yelled,

"Prissy and Wise Girl are back!"

A cheer came from the unruly crowd of teenage demigods, then everyone stood up and ran over to them. The Romans hung back, surprised by the Greeks loudness. 


Yelled Connor. Giving him a fist bump. Travis ran over and gave him a 'bro-hug'. 

"I don't know where our main victim for pranks went!"

Yelled Travis.

"There he is!"

Shouted Connor. 

Percy laughed. Katie Garner gave him a hug and told him that swimming on the beach wasn't the same without him. Clarisse almost stabbed him with maimer, then gave him an awkward side hug. Jake Mason gave him another bro-hug, and a fist bump. Grover and Rachel hugged him at the same time, both wiping away tears.  Drew gave him a weird hug that lasted way too long. Pollux gave him a hug. From Chris he got another bro-hug. Clovis sleepily high fived him. Lacy gave Percy a hug, but not an awkward one like Drew's. Lou Ellen shook his hand, and then laughed and gave him a huge hug. Malcolm shook his hand and asked if Annabeth was okay, which Percy nodded to.  Will gave him a huge smile and another bro-hug. 

Hazel, Frank, Jason, and Piper hung back. Percy looked at them with sad eyes. He dragged Annabeth over to them.


He said quietly. Piper gave him a sad smile. She grabbed Jason's hand. 

"Did you miss them?"

Percy nodded. Jason sighed.

"I know what you're thinking."

Percy stared at him.

"He should be here.'

Hazel said. She sniffled. Frank wrapped his big, beefy arm around her small shoulders. 

"He should,"

Ananbeth agreed. 


After the seven talked alone about the quest, Chiron called them all to dinner. Percy felt especially alone at the Poseidon table. Tyson had already left. The campfire was much better. The Apollo campers led the sing along, and all the camp sang and danced. The Romans didn't know the songs, and tried to learn them quickly so they could participate. Percy saw only a couple Romans standing off to the side, complaining about how stupid the Greeks were. Will pulled him up on the stage, and made him do all the dances to the songs on the stage. Percy was laughing the entire time. 
After that, they had s'mores and talked about the First Great Prophecy and when they were all younger. They all laughed about the underwater kiss and the Stoll's golden mango prank they did to the Aphrodite cabin. Nobody wold bring up the deaths. It was still a sore spot. 

Walking back to the Poseidon cabin later that night, Percy decided that maybe things would be all right.

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