Without the Mist

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Hazel's pov


Chiron yelled. The usually noisy demigods quieted.

It was a month after Gaea had been defeated, and the demigods from the two camps often visited the other camp. The seven were at Camp Half-Blood for a reunion.

Chiron had called an emergency meeting in the Rec Room. Hazel was still sometimes surprised how laid back the Greek camp was compared to the Roman. Like the fact that the meetings, including this one, were held around a ping-pong table.

"Connor Stoll, I do believe that I told everyone to be quiet."

Connor looked guiltly up. He had been placing bets on a very intense thumb wrestling game between Katie and Travis with Will Solace.


Chiron cleared his throat.

"As I was saying, you all know that Gaea has been defeated,"


Leo yelled as he stood on his chair.

"Please sit down, Leo. Anyway, one of the giants who sided with Gaea injured Hecate, the goddess of the mist."

Annabeth looked at Chiron with her eyes wide.

"Does that mean that the mist is-"


Chrion stated.

"Can I not manipulate the mist anymore?"

Hazel asked. Chiron sadly nodded.

"Who figured out the mist was gone?"

Jason asked.

"It was suspected by Athena after she heard Hecate was gravely injured, but it was confirmed when a son of Apollo killed a monster at his mortal school and he couldn't use the mist to confuse the mortals."

Percy stared at Chiron for a second, then began laughing.

"Seaweed Brain! How is that funny to you?"

Annabeth slapped him on the arm.

"Ow, Wise Girl. But can you imagine the mortal's faces when they saw a monster?"

Leo started laughing. Travis and Connor followed him. Hazel snorted then giggled.  Soon, everybody was laughing. Even Annabeth cracked a smile.


^^^^^^Goode High School^^^^^^

Percy's pov

Percy tried to stuff his backpack into his locker, but failed when everything else tumbled out. He muttered Greek curses and tried to stuff every back inside.

"Hey, Jackson!"

Yelled one of his friends from the swim team. Percy smiled.

"Hey Josh."

Josh leaned against Percy's locker.

"So, how was your summer?"

Percy shrugged.



He thought.

"Cool. I went to the Bahamas with my parents, and I went to Florida-"

Percy tuned him out. Josh liked to brag a little bit. It's not like Percy could tell Josh that  he went to Greece and Rome. And saved the world. For the second time.

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