Without the Mist- Annabeth

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Annabeth's pov

Annabeth furiously typed on her brand new laptop that Percy got her. She was in the library designing Olympus. With twelve selfish gods to please, Annabeth worked all the time now that the giant war was over. Almost every week a god wanted to change their statue or add another part to their temple.
 Aphrodite had just sent her an IM commanding her to design another statue. And Ares still  wanted that war shrine, and Apollo-

Annabeth jumped up from her seat. She needed to stand up and do something, or she felt like she would explode. No matter how smart or calm Annabeth was, she still had ADHD.
She went to the architecture section and scanned the shelves. She grabbed a lot of ancient Greek architecture books she was sure were written by Athena. She carefully carried the stack of books back to her seat.

Librarian's pov

Melanie Jones glanced back over to the blonde girl. She was slightly worried; the girl had been at the library for about five hours. She was typing something and her leg was shaking, like she needed to go to the bathroom. The girl suddenly jumped up from her seat and ran over to the architecture section. Maybe she had ADHD.
Melanie turned back to her computer. She had a lot of work to do.

A large, homeless looking man with overalls on walked in. He was so ugly, Melanie couldn't look him in the face. He stared at the blonde girl. The man sat down at the table behind her. Melanie was about to go tell the man not to loiter, when the blonde girl jumped out of her seat and pushed the man out of his chair. He made a grunting noise that definately didn't sound human.

Melanie stood up to go kick them out of the library when the girl pulled out a ...ruler? The man jumped up and tried to grab her. The girl slashed his knuckles with the ruler. The man roared in pain and clutched his hand. The girl darted behind him and attempted to trip him. But, the man grabbed her arm and twisted it. A sickening CRACK filled the room and the blonde girl gasped. She yanked her arm out of his grasp and finally shoved her ruler through the man's chest. He roared, then disappeared into a pile of golden dust.

Melanie couldn't believe it. She just witnessed a murder! Every body else was backed up into corners staring at the girl. She clutched her arm and her ruler disappeared.

"Did you kill him with a pencil?"

A man yelled at her. He had his cell phone out. A pencil? Melanie was absoloutely sure that was a ruler.
With shakey hands, Melanie pulled out her cell phone and dialed 911. The girl glared at her. Her eyes were so scary, Melanie almost dropped her phone. The blonde girl's eyes were a terrifying thunderstorm grey.

"Uh, hello operator, I'm at the downtown library, and a teenage girl just-"

Melanie looked up to see she was gone.

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