Her Mortal Family

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Helen's pov (Annabeth's step mom)

"Move it!"

Helen slammed her hand on her car's horn.

"Mom, calm down!"

Bobby Chase said. Helen turned around.


She gave a weak smile.

"Are we almost home?"

Matthew whined.

"5 minutes."

6 minutes later, (which Matthew had pointed out) Helen pulled into her driveway. Bobby and Matthew hopped out and ran inside the house. Helen smiled. She had a great family. She had two boys both 13 years old. And her husband was kind and smart. Well, except for one detail. Annabeth.

Helen had loved Annabeth when she first met her, but once she figured out her mother, she couldn't stand to be around her. Helen didn't like her because Fredrick might like Athena more and Annabeth would always be better than her kids. Well, Matthew and Bobby were better to Helen. But to Fredrick and everybody else, Ananbeth was amazing. She was the only roadblock to a perfect family. Helen suspected that Fredrick compared her to Athena sometimes. Helen knew she couldn't compare to a goddess.

She sighed and opened her car door. Fredrick opened the front door to greet her.


He said, kissing her cheek. Helen smiled.

"How was work?"


Helen sat her purse down on the counter in the kitchen. She threw her hair up in a ponytail and started making dinner.


She heard Matthew ask from the living room where he was doing his homework.


"I'm doing a get-to-know-you worksheet for the first day of school. One of the questions was 'How many siblings do you have and describe them,' "

Helen froze.

"Do I put Annabeth?"

Helen slowly put down the pan. She could imagine Fredrick's reaction. They didn't talk about Annabeth a lot. The last time was home was 5 years ago. Annabeth stayed at her camp year round. She was going to try to stay at home for the year. She only stayed 2 weeks. Too many monster were attracted, and Annabeth was blamed. She left, only leaving a note.

None of the Chase's talked about her. Everybody thought of them as the 'perfect family'. A step daughter would ruin that image.

Fredrick cleared his throat.

"Um, sure. She is your half sister."

"But what's she like?"

Matthew asked again.

"Oh. We haven't seem her in a while. I guess put what she looks like."

Matthew groaned.

"But she looks nothing like any of us!"

It was true. Fredrick had light brown hair and blue eyes. Helen had raven hair and dark brown eyes. Matthew and Bobby had light brown hair and dark brown eyes. Annabeth only had Fredrick's tallness.

"It's fine. Just put that she's her step sister."

Helen sighed and rubbed her temples. There goes her family's perfect image. Because of her.

Fredrick walked into the kitchen.

"I've been thinking,"

He began,

"That we don't really know Annabeth."

Helen nodded.

"Maybe she could try living here."

Helen turned around to face him.

"What? Why?"

"She should spend more time at home."

"This isn't her home!"

Helen yelled.

"We barely know her, Helen. I don't know her favorite color."

He said quietly. Helen sighed.

"Fine. But it's your problem."

Fredrick smiled and ran to the phone to call Chiron.

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