Episode 3: Sir Dog Of Pizza

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The scene showed Clint slowly walking towards the fridge in Kate's aunt's kitchen. He takes out a bag of frozen peas and rests it on the back of his neck.

"Frozen peas work like a charm," Sam nodded in approval.

"Hey, Clint," Kate's voice muffled as she entered the apartment.

Clint looked at the table as he saw his phone vibrate. He answered it as Kate looked over to him from the couch.

"Hey, hey, babe."

Kate looked up as she heard a child answer the phone.

"Nathaniel," Clint smiled slightly.

"Hey, listen, I can't really talk right now, uh, 'cause look... Maybe... Do you have time to text? Can you text? Can you text me?"

"Clint, Clint, Clint," Kate poked the archer on the shoulder to get his attention.

She quickly wrote down the words "little boy" on a notebook and showed him.

Clint; realising that Kate was helping him talk to his son, nodded at her in appreciation.

Kate just shrugged and smiled, looking back at the screen.

"Nathaniel? Nathaniel, what are you... What are you doin', buddy? Is everything okay? Where's Mama?" He looked up at Kate as she wrote down what Nate said, "Look, there's a... there might be a little delay, buddy. It's kind of a bad connection."

Kate showed him the notepad: 'everyone's asleep. He's bored'

"Haha," Clint shook his head in amusement, "I remember before the... before the blip, he woke up early one morning and decided to draw a family portrait on the kitchen wall. Hahah Laura was so annoyed when she heard what he did... until she saw the drawing."

Clint smiled at the memory before he continued, the team looked at him warmly, "he drew Laura with a crown, Lila with a bow and arrow, Cooper in his favourite sweater, Natasha held Nate's hand and I was drawn with the biggest smile on my face."

He chuckled as Nat squeezed his shoulder, "Laura decided to put a frame over it and the kids drew love hearts and stars around the drawing. It's still there."

"That's so sweet," Wanda smiled, her nose scrunching.

"Yeah, Clint," Steve sighed as he saw the far-away look in his friend's eye, "I can't wait for you to get back to your family again."

"You're other family," Tony smirked, "can't forget about us."

"Hahah of course, Stark," Clint chuckled, wiping away a tear from his eyes.

"You're bored," Clint chuckled as Kate smiled, "You're the early bird. Hey, bud, I miss you. Why don't you go get some breakfast and read a book or somethin' till Mama wakes up?"

Kate quickly wrote something as Nate started to talk: 'home tonight for movies?'

Clint looked down at his hands and scratched his head. He cleared his throat before looking back up at the screen.

"Uh, yeah, it's... Tonight is movie marathon night, that's right. Um... I really wish I could be there with you, buddy," Clint sighed as Kate looked at him sadly, "Uh, you know how much I love that. Um, but I'm not gonna make it. But I think I'll be back in the next day or so. Yeah, we'll be in time for our ugly Christmas sweater party. You ready for that?"

Kate watched the scene sadly, she looked at Clint and sighed. She felt like she was to blame for Clint missing Christmas with his family. Clint noticed Kate looking at him and he nodded back.

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