Doping Test 2

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Next Day in the Gladiators Association

The President of the Gladiators Association gave a press conference: "WADA has decided, to perform a post-fight doping test on Kretorg and 'ethl tits. This doping test was carried out yesterday. Apparently, Kretorg's urine sample was clean, while 'ethl tits sample got tested positive on a number of forbidden substances. The board of the gladiators association, has thus reevaluated the fight from last Sunday and disqualified 'ethl tits and banned her for the next two years. With this decision, the fight is no longer a No Contest, but Kretorg is the winner. Open for questions!"

Q1: "What about the tempering with the control system?"

A1: "As 'ethl tits had taken performance enhancing substances, this is no longer relevant. Doping has higher priority."

Q2: "Has the beta sample already been tested?"

A2: "I'm not sure, WADA has just informed us, that 'ethl tits had been tested positive."

Q3: "Would it not be a bit early to announce Kretorg as the winner, as long as the beta sample has not been tested?"

A3: "We have no reason to doubt WADA's findings."

Q4: "Why is nobody from WADA present today?"

A4: "This you have to ask WADA."

Communicator Conversations:

Editorial note: Laila learned of this at a later point in time.

"Hello, this is Odron!"

"Odron, did you know, that a doping test had been done on 'ethl tits?"

"No, Godfather."

"Did you follow the press conference the President of the Gladiators Association just gave?"


"Apparently, 'ethl tits had been tested positive, banned for two years and Kretorg appointed as the winner of the fight."


"Yes! You have to contact the lawyer and Kala to figure out what has to be done. You do that right now!"

"Certainly, Godfather."

"Bye for now."



"Hello Kala, this is Odron."

"Odron, I guess you call me in regards to the doping test?"


"It is all very weird, but I need more information. We need to have the beta sample tested quickly and we have to be present during the test. It is our right to be present there. You have to get the copy of the doping control sheet. On this sheet is the contact information of the WADA inspector. You need to make an appointment with him to test the beta sample. The lawyer has to be present, too, at this appointment. Go and organize it, then let me know, when and where it is."

"Fine, I'll do."



Odron received another call with an ID unknown to him. He picked the call: "Hello, this is Odron!"

"Hello, this is the district attorney speaking. I'm calling you in regards to the doping test. I guess, you will ask for the beta sample to be tested?"

"Yes, I will."

"You will inform me, when and where the beta sample will be tested. We have a court order, which allows us to do so and requires you to conform to the ruling."

Laila, Spock's Granny (Book 1: Vulcan Gladiatoress and Klingon Slave)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat