Bijan 4

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We were supposed to keep an eye on this building, suspected terrorists were supposedly using the building for arms storage and the plan was to simply stay put, report when they arrived, and standby for further instructions. It was long and boring work, sitting and waiting was a major part of the military and especially Special Ops; three days of waiting we finally got some movement... the alledged terrorist were school-age children, between the ages of 5-10, they all seemed excited to be back and for a second I was confused as to what was going on because this wasn't the intel that we received and yet I noticed my lieutenant making the call. It became clear to me that my team had been lied to and that this was never about terrorists or weapons.... I won't go into details but I made a decision that spared the life of the children and the result landed me in United States Disciplinary Barracks aka Leavenworth. I was convinced that I had made the right decision, in my heart I couldn't have the death of children weighing on me some other people didn't see it that way, and one night some of the guards came to my cell to take me for 'a walk' I was certain that I wouldn't be returning from this walk and right as the cell open a call came in to bring me to the Commandant's office and when I got there he was sitting with a man that I had never seen but it was clear that he was in charge and that this 'tough' Army dude was afraid of this man.......

"Bijan, we were just discussing you darling.... please come in and make yourself comfortable." Sophia DeBaillion said waving to her nicely decorated office, I noticed we weren't alone, today she was joined by her youngest two sons Fèlicien and François.... probably two of the most entitled, arrogant, and selfish dudes I had ever met... not to mention petty. "So it appears that my beloved stepson has some more guest." Sophia said walking around her office.

"Yes ma'am.... from what I understand they're old friends from college." I said telling the truth. "I've vetted them thoroughly and they all seem like decent dudes, you have nothing to worry about." I said and François scoffed.

"Please, anyone associated with that bastard are most likely trouble.... hoodlums and hooligans, probably crack babies or thugs... maybe both." François said laughing at his own joke. The vibe I got from these two was that they hated black people, they looked down on them and thought that if you were born with anything less than the best then you weren't worth the ground you stood on.....

"I'm sure they're lovely young men..... I just don't want them destroying the house that's been in my husband's family for decades, something tells me that sweet Iyani won't be there long.... Which is where you come in." Sophia said turning towards me and I saw the evil in her eyes.

"I can't believe Frèdèric is letting that low-life live in our father's house... brother or not, he's not a part of this family.... he's a filthy thug who doesn't deserve anything other than dirt bed that my father bought for his whore mother." Fèlicien said heatedly; this was the shyt I was talking about.... these two would've been caught a bullet if I were Iyani, or at the very least gotten their ass whooped.

"Calm down, Fèlicien... he's still your brother. Now Bijan, your job will be to make sure that Iyani is at his new job, he'll be working for my youngest François... also I would appreciate it if you reported back to me everything Iyani is doing... I want a complete schedule of every move he makes.... you know.... for safety reasons." Sophia said picking a dead leaf off of one of her plants.

"Madam DeBaillion, as I've explained to you in the past.... Mr. DeBaillion hired me to look after his brother, your stepson; to keep him safe and out of trouble.... to make sure no harm comes to him.... Iyani doesn't really get into too much trouble so there's nothing to report.... if I see anything that concerns me I'll report it to Mr. DeBaillion, but I won't spy for you....." I said looking directly into her eyes.

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