Major 26

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The fight lasted just long enough for my dad to realize that we weren't kids anymore and Nasser wasn't going to let him try to hoe him like he did in the past, gone were the days where we truly feared him and now we saw him for what he truly was. After I broke up the fight, my dad walked back to his house and Nasser went out back to smoke with De'Vante, leaving me to clean up the mess they made, once I was finished I took a shower and took my ass to sleep knowing that I had a long day ahead of me tomorrow... if only I had known just how crazy my day was going to get I would've just stay my ass in bed, or stayed with Paris because it was some complete and utter fuck shyt. It started off pretty well, Moniece showed up and we drove to the studio where the interview was supposed to be taking place, traffic was light, we bonded over our love for 90s R&B, argued about who was better between Jodeci and Dru Hill (Dru Hill and it's not close). When we reached the studio the green room was full of my favorite snacks and even though it was early, I was hungry as fuck and didn't mind indulging in a little pre-workout binge.... The door opened and to my horror, Paris's roommate Magic walked in and ruined my entire morning but it was only going to get worse from there.

"Sorry to inform you but Big Woah won't be able to make it, I'm afraid Ms. Pneumonia is tap-dancing on his lungs and he had to go to the hospital." Magic said sadly, though I could tell he truly didn't give a fuck.

"Major give me a second and I'll see what are our options... I would hate to have gotten up this early and driven all the way out here for nothing." Moniece said walking out of the green room, leaving me with Magic.

"I heard the way you were fuckin Paradise yesterday... truth be told it should've been me, I would've left you suckin ya thumb." Magic said licking his lips.

"You're sexy as fuck... physically, there's no denying that. Me two years ago would have your ankles touching your ears and your hole would be creamin all over this nice ass couch.... maybe I'm starting to mature but this snake shyt you're doing.... I don't find it attractive at all." I said looking into his eyes. "If you were just some random, I wouldn't mind filling you up... but I'm talking to someone you live with, that's just too messy for me."

"Daddy, you seem to be under the mistaken belief that me and Paradise are friends.... let me clear that up for you, Paradise is my roommate, we're living together out of convenience rather than friendship. Are we coo? I guess you can say that but I'm not doing anything that Paradise doesn't expect of me... hell I've done it before and I'm probably going to do it again." Magic said rubbing my dick. "Just go ahead and break... it's not like y'all are in a relationship so it's not really cheating."

"What do you want exactly?" I asked trying to remember every play in my college playbook to keep my dick from getting hard.

"I want to swallow your dick until it goes limp in my mouth and then I want to ride you until you go blind for a few seconds... Nothing too crazy." Magic said smiling, I was tempted but I really liked what me and Paris were working towards and really didn't want to fuck it up by messing with his roommate.... then again, I was young and single.... Paris didn't have to known that I.....

"Major!" Moniece said, breaking me from this siren's spell. "Can I borrow you for a second?" Moniece said looking at Magic and he winked at me before following Moniece into the hallway. The second he walked out I came to my senses and guilt hit me... now I don't feel guilty about wanting to throat wreck another nigga... my guilt came from the fact that it was too close to home.

"So what's the move? Can I go back home and take my ass to bed or...?" I asked looking at Moniece.

"First, you need to be careful..." Moniece said nodding to the camera. "I'm your assistant, my job is to make sure you get to where you need to be... you don't pay me enough to keep your sex tapes off the internet. Now we can leave or...."

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