Nasser 29

211 27 2

I sat in the club bobbing my head to the music and trying to watch my surroundings, being in a new city, you never knew who was watching. Not that I was too concerned.. Quintonio was lethal with his hands and I doubted anyone wanted any smoke, so far, it seemed like everyone was vibin.... I ordered another drink and thought about DeVante, he really was sexy ass fuck and the more I thought about him, the more I wanted to give that angry lil nigga some throat and ass... Now I didn't bottom often, you gotta be a special nigga to fuck me, and DeVante.... well he was unlike any nigga I had ever met. If Quintonio found out I was considering giving DeVante the one thing he's been begging for.... Quintonio was coo... sexy as fuck, fun to be around, he was my partner in crime... He wanted a relationship, I simply wanted to bust nuts in his guts and keep our situation from becoming even more complicated. I looked around the club, searching for our guest when I noticed Major and DeVante walk in with two other dudes, I really hoped Quintonio chilled tonight because there was a lot of money riding on this deal and I would be pissed if he let jealousy fuck it up for us.

"Man where the fuck is this nigga at?" Quintonio asked as he checked the watch I bought him almost five years ago, I was surprised he still had it but I also thought it was kinda dope... I bought it on some friend type shyt but Quintonio took it to mean something else.

"I don't know... it's still pretty early, chill... Let's enjoy the night and when the dude gets here we can worry about business." I said looking around the club and spotting a group of girls, there were about ten of them but sprinkled within the group were two niggas who stood out. "Cuse me for a second..." I said getting up and walking over to the bar where they were posted and stood close enough to be seen but far enough away as not to seem thirsty.

"So I hope you're planning on buying all of us drinks." The boldest in the group said walking over to me, definitely the sexiest with her ebony skin and if I was at all interested in women I'd definitely be taking her home tonight.

"Sure sweetheart, but only on the condition that you tell your friends I said wassup..." I said nodding towards the two dudes. She seemed annoyed but wasn't about to turn down free drinks. After ordering the whole bar, she walked over to her friends with an attitude and whispered something to the two dudes, I raised a glass towards them and walked back to the table where Quintonio was waiting.

"Really nigga? Don't you got enough niggas hanging off your dick, I guess you're trying to add to your roster huh?" Quintonio asked and I couldn't help but smile... he was really sexy when he was jealous. "Whatever, that nigga Tokyo better not be bullshytin us with this job... I still don't know why we're splittin the money with him 50/50 when we're the ones doing the dirty work."

"Because he's the one with the connect... personally, I'm happy with 250k but that's just me." I said shrugging as I continued looking around the club, I was surprised those two dudes hadn't made their way over to our table yet but I wasn't really that pressed... if I wanted some ass I had plenty of options. "Damn I can't wait to get back to NC, these ATL niggas ain't livin up to the hype." I said looking across the club and noticing De'Vante looking over here... I can't tell y'all what I was really thinking, just know it was DISRESPECTFUL in the best possible way. "What's your beef with Tokyo?" I asked randomly.

"Something about that nigga seems off...." Quintonio said and instantly noticed he wouldn't meet my eyes which was something he NEVER does, Quintonio is very direct and usually says what he means and means what he says, so him not being able to look into my eyes told me that he was hiding something.

"Whatever... Tokyo is coo as fuck and his parties are the craziest." I said remembering the last party he threw and my dick was still thanking me for those seven days.... "Anyways, I think the client is here." I said noticing a man dressed in a suit that fitted him perfectly... "Neji right?" I asked and the man nodded.

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