Gambino 19

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I didn't know who I was supposed to be meeting here, I just got an address and was told to be here at this date and time. Yeah, it was extremely stupid considering who was looking for me but I didn't get the feeling that it was him.... anyways I was enjoying New York so far but I was ready to get my ass back to Boston... business first. I sat in this cafe surrounded by white folks, one thing about New Yorkers were they minded their own damn business and for the most part they left me alone, though I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched. I checked my phone and saw all the videos I was getting from Iyani and Sergio, a part of me wanted to call Sergio and see how things were going with his brother, but I stopped myself... this was something he had to face alone and I didn't want to keep pushing him if he wasn't ready. Iyani looked like he was having a blast and was hinting at wanting to throw a massive party, according to him he wanted to rinse the memories of his stepmom's garden party from his head and have a REAL party.... The hairs on the back of my neck stood up and I quickly looked around the cafe and saw two men walking towards me.... all the nervousness I felt melted away as they approached and I stood up to greet them.

"I should've fuckin known... wassup Damon, Manolo." I said hugging both of them. Over the past few months, they had become like my brother and I usually turned to them for guidance. "I'm surprised Ramses isn't with y'all." I said smiling.

"He's here... we just left him at the hotel, tied to the bed with a remote control vibrator keeping him occupied... so we can't be gone too long. We got one of the good ones that twist, warms up, and thrust...." Damon said smiling.

"I really think I should get back to him... I'll leave y'all to handle business and we can meet up later for dinner... You know how I feel about him...." Manolo said and Damon nodded, as quickly as he came Manolo was gone and I wondered who he was referring to.

"How's the Papi Tunde situation panning out? Y'all haven't caught him yet?" I asked quietly.

"No... it's proven to be more difficult than anticipated, but his resources are running out so it's only a matter of time...." Damon said and I could hear the disappointment in his voice. "But I'm not here for that." Damon said nodding towards the door, Cronus walked in and I rolled my eyes. I'm guessing this was who Manolo was referring to and I shared that sentiment.

"Sorry for the delay... traffic was a bitch." Cronus said dappin up Damon but when it came to me he pulled me in for a hug and placed his lips next to my ear. "I want some dick later...." He whispered and I tried to keep my composure, but he was really starting to get on my nerves. "Y'all ready to go?" He asked and Damon nodded.

"How are things back home?" I asked, Damon let out a low sigh. "That bad huh?" I asked and Damon nodded, but Damon wasn't going to say too much publicly and I knew better than to ask too many questions in front of strangers.

"How are you liking Boston so far? I figured since you rarely call you're either having the time of your life or down there going crazy." Damon asked and I noticed Cronus listening intently to our conversation as he drove us to our destination.

"It's coo... I've mostly been chillin, taking a few classes, but nothing too crazy. I figure the best way to keep myself from going crazy is to stay busy....." I said and the image of Sergio popped into my head, his lil sexy ass laying in my arms as we traded war stories of our crazy upbringings.

"Yeah aight 'been chillin' I remember before you left, you were wild as fuck and fuckin everything.... I know you got a couple of pieces up there to keep you entertained." Damon said laughing and I noticed Cronus's jawline tighten and his hands grip the steering wheel so hard his veins were popping out.

"Nah it's not even like that, there is this one dude who got my attention... but it just feels like the timing isn't right." I said choosing my words carefully, Cronus seemed to relax under the mistaken assumption that I was referring to him but I was really talking about Sergio. I was playing a dangerous game with a dangerous man but right now I needed him, once this job was finished hopefully Cronus disappeared.

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