Bijan 17

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The sun was going down and true colors were starting to show, Madam DeBaillion was drunk as fuck; openly criticizing some of the guests, spilling all the tea on whose marriage was in shambles, who was going bankrupt, and who was doing drugs... Funny how she didn't mention anything about Fèlicien's wife Sarah was openly flirting with some old rich white men, or how François was fuckin Salazar... but that's none of my business. Where the fuck was Iyani? He was the only person here that I actually liked (outside of my coworkers) but since Madam DeBaillion insisted that I mingle AKA be her arm candy I was stuck listening to his bullshyt. I walked through the party and I made eye contact with General Dassault and Ronan Duvernay, I'd talk to them later right now I needed to find Frédéric, he was the only person that convince his mom that it was time to go home... Why does she keep brushing her hand across my dick? Which one of these creepy old white men pinched my ass? Oh... it was that nasty-looking Hobbit that just winked at me... I really needed to talk to The General about getting a new assignment because I was getting sick of this bitch and her unwanted advances. Finally, I found Frédéric having a conversation with this brown-skinned dude and a kid who was clearly his son, I didn't want to interrupt but Frédéric needed to get his mom.

"Mr. Westbrook, I didn't know you were here...." Sophia said in a drunken slur. "And issss thisss Jabroni... Jacobi... why you've grown into quite the handsome young man....." Sophia said in that fake voice of hers. "Jaconi is one of those gay so be careful...." Sophia said and I wasn't sure if she thought she was whispering or she just didn't care, but the kid looked pissed but quickly smiled politely.

"Mother... don't you have a business meeting in the morning? I think it's time you head home...." Frédéric said respectfully but I could tell he was annoyed. "Bijan...." Frédéric started but I already knew the question he was about to ask and discreetly shook my head. "Could you find one of your men and have them make sure my mother gets home safely?" Frédéric asked sparring me from having to deal with his drunk ass mom.

"Actually I would prefer Bijan take me home... I don't particularly like the rest of the help, Bijan is the only one I trust." She said laying her head on my shoulder.

"You mean the only one you want to fuck." Jacobi whispered and while Frédéric didn't hear him I did and I was annoyed because that's exactly why she wanted it to be me, and I hated having to shut her down because this was a woman who was use to getting what she wanted.

"I'm sorry mom but I need Bijan here to discuss some security issues I have regarding Iyani." Frédéric said and there was a tense staredown between the two of them before Sophia straightened herself and stood tall.

"I'm going to the bar... tell whoever is taking me home to hurry the fuck up." Sophia said in a rare instance where she allowed her true self to show in front of other people. She stumbled off and Frédéric gave me a look that said 'hurry up' because I knew he didn't want him mom embarrassing him even further. I walked off as Frédéric apologized to Jacquez and Jacobi, I walked around the party trying to figure out who I was going to send on this mission... Thierry was out of the question because there was a good chance that he'd dump her into the Boston Harbor, I settled on this white dude named Mills and while he didn't want to do it, I left no room for him to argue.

"Where the fuck have you been?" I asked Thierry, I hadn't seen him for hours and while I was more than capable of keeping things from escalating between these rich people I still didn't like him disappearing.

"Yo... Iyani's boy Kian is a fuckin demon... for the last three hours we've been.... getting to know each other." Thierry said and I tried to keep the annoyance off my face. "Ayy in my job description it says that during events I need to do everything in my power to make sure the guest feel safe... how much safer could that nigga be than with my dick down his throat?" Thierry asked and I couldn't help but smile.

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