Bijan 18

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Finally, the last set of guests was leaving... an elderly couple who seemed a little too good at acting confused, they couldn't remember what they were doing here and wanted to come inside and use the phone.... I had seen this movie before, the woman asked to use the restroom while her husband tried calling the driver. They were sweet, very polite, and went into stories about how I seemed like a 'nice young man' that wanted to introduce to their granddaughter.... That sweetness melted away when they were stopped at the door by a couple of my men who did a thorough search of their belongings and found a bunch of stuff that didn't belong to them. That's when the real them came out, I don't think I've ever been called so many different variations of nigger in my life... the old man threatened and tried to beat my ass.... the old woman even got a slap off when I wasn't looking... finally, the police arrived and escorted them off the property, while I gave my statement I spotted Iyani looking confused but also slightly amused by the scene that was playing out in front of him. I finished up with the police and walked over to Iyani, he smelled good as fuck... that was the first thing I noticed but I quickly shook that thought from my head, I was on the clock and could allow myself to get distracted.

"And this is exactly why I didn't want a bunch of people in my house, especially people I don't know... Next time Sophia tries to bully me into throwing one of these boring ass garden parties please take a bat to my kneecap." Iyani said smirking.

"I don't know about all that but I'll definitely remind you... though I noticed you were gone for most of the party." I said smiling at him.

"Well I had to entertain MY guest... was Sophia pissed?" Iyani asked and I shook my head. "Not that I give a fuck, I just don't feel like hearing her mouth later about how 'rude' I was being by not faking it for her bougie ass friends." Iyani said.

"Trust me, after her third or fourth bottle of wine she wasn't paying attention to anything but me... I'm sorry but your stepmom is fuckin wild. I'm trying my hardest to avoid being alone with her because I'm not entirely convinced she's not going to strip naked and try to have her way with me." I said shuddering at the thought.

"I'm praying that doesn't happen... matter of fact, I hope it does... record all her unwanted advances and sue the fuck out of her... you gotta break me off a percent though because it was my idea." Iyani said laughing.

"I might have to take your advice because it's getting beyond uncomfortable.... but uhh.... I'll let you get back to your guest." I said noticing that dude Danilo standing in the living room wearing nothing but his briefs. "Umm... I'll be busy for like the next hour or so, if you have any issues Titus will be in charge." I said just as Thierry pulled up and started walking over to us.

"She's not happy, she complained the entire ride back and may have mentioned something about pulling you from Iyani's team and making you her PERSONAL bodyguard." Thierry said quietly.

"Why doesn't that surprise me?" I said shaking my head. "Iyani..." I said nodding towards him, placing my hand on Thierry's shoulder, and steering him away.

"I take it you figured out where Iyani was when he disappeared... don't tell me you're salty Bijan, I've been telling you since he got here that he wants your dick, but NAWL you wanna be all noble and professional. There's nothing wrong with mixing business with pleasure, as long as you know which lines not to cross." Theirry said.

"That's the same logic Sophia tries to use... and I'm not salty about Iyani doing him. I'm too damn grown to be worrying about what another nigga who's not my nigga.... Come on... let's get this meeting over and done with." I said as we made our way to the place where Frédéric and a few others were waiting......

"I'm not going to waste time with the background information... here's what you need to know. Right now we're working on a collaborative effort between Black Rose, Manticore, and a private partner in Columbus, Ohio.... My mother... is working with a man by the name of Mordecai Dixon from what we've learned they're buying up a lot of low-income housing in Columbus, Houston, Boston, and Atlanta.... they're planning to tear them down in order to build luxury apartments which will basically force a thousand black families out on the street. However, I feel that Mordecai has more nefarious motivations. He already has people placed in my family's company...." Frédéric said.

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