Santiago 21

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I was pretty sure I had gotten at least three different bitches pregnant since getting out (Not really, but y'all get the idea), and if Tokyo had it his way I would have an entire football team by this time next year. Nine years is an extremely long time to go without pussy and I was trying to make up for loss time, did I regret the nine years I spent locked up? Nah, the only things I regretted was that I didn't draw out {Redacted}'s suffering and not being there for Samiyah and Sergio when our ain't shyt mom left them to fend for themselves. As the oldest, I should've been there for them.... I couldn't dwell on the past, I had to keep moving forward and get my family back together... and by family, I mean my brother and sister, because it's going to be fuck my mom til the day I die and I mean that shyt. I needed to calm down, my anger is what got me into a lot of trouble when I was locked up and I was still working on controlling it, for the most part I could keep it in check... but my mom was one of my many triggers. I stepped outside, still getting use to the fact that I could pretty much do whatever the fuck I wanted when I wanted.... I look up at the sky and my thoughts drifted to Sergio.

"There you are, I've been calling your name for the past five minutes..." Tokyo said joining me out on the balcony. "Ol'girl is asking about you wondering where you disappeared off to." He said trying to pass me the blunt he had just lit but I shook my head.

"I'm good.... I came out here to think, clear my head... this is all... a lot." I said looking around. "Don't get me wrong, I appreciate everything you've done for me Tok... but it's a lot at once and I need some time to collect myself." I said watching as two girls ran from the house holding their titties and jumping into the pool.

"You thinking about Sergio?" Tokyo asked and I nodded. "He's in town... I can shut this shyt down and we can pull up with him. If you wanna go by yourself you know you're welcome to any one of my cars... go to the hotel, knock on the door and force him to talk to you." Tokyo said.

"I can't do that... I want Sergio to come to me when he's ready." I said quietly. "I think he's scared... last time I saw him, I was leaving the courtroom and it was after he froze up on the stand... What if he thinks I blame him for me getting locked up?" I asked.

"I don't think that's the case... I just think Sergio is ashamed because he feels like he let you down... There are plenty of times when you got locked up Sergio would damn near have a mental breakdown because he felt like he was the reason you were in there... he blamed himself more than anything and I think he's still holding on to some of that guilt." Tokyo said hitting the blunt.

"I guess... but I would like to see my little brother." I said watching the party below me.

"Yeah... I definitely wanna see that lil nigga too." Tokyo said and the way he said it... I glanced at him and Tokyo laughed. "Not like that... I'm just saying, I haven't seen him since he went to college, it's been a while and I wanna catch up."

"Were you fuckin my brother?" I asked getting pissed, being locked up taught me how to read people and the way Tokyo was talking reminded me A LOT of the dudes who missed their prison boyfriends.

"Come on Santi... you know me better than that, you asked me to look after your brother... what I look like fuckin him behind your back." Tokyo said, I really couldn't tell if he was lying... but even if he was, there wasn't shyt I could do about it.

"Yet another thing I owe you for... you looked after Sergio, made sure he graduated and went to college (paid for it too, Tokyo said smiling)... Yeah that too, just add it to my tab." I said turning back to watch the girls by the pool.

"Nigga what do I look like keeping tab? You're my best friend... my brother, I do shyt for you because I love you like a brother... I'd do anything for you and as you can see... I'm not hurting." He said waving to his multi-million dollar house. "But if you really insist on paying me back, you can pay me back with stories... you've been pretty tight-lipped about those nine years, but I pick up on some of the shyt you've said...." Tokyo said smiling.

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