Sergio 24

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I was thinking back to the first time Tokyo confessed his feelings, after my mom and Samiyah left me to fend for myself, Tokyo let me crash at his place while he went out and found a job working at a construction sight. Tokyo saved every penny and once he has enough money saved up he had one of his older friends do some shady deals that resulted in me having my own apartment. Tokyo never allowed me to thank him, in fact, he would get pissed at the mere mention of me paying him back, he claimed he was simply looking out for his best friend's brother but the more we talked the more I sensed there was something more. He did have a few rules; missing school wasn't an option (he claimed it was because I was too damn smart to drop out {also missing school would alert the law to the fact that I was pretty much homeless and he didn't want me ending up in the system}), I also couldn't tell anyone about this place which meant NO NIGGAS were allowed to slide through (because niggas were shady and I was an easy lick), the last rule was I couldn't work (he'd take care of everything) and he did, whatever I needed he got and it seemed like suddenly he had a lot more money to throw around. The night was hell, like even in the dead of night you could get sunburned and I was chillin in my apartment with the AC blasting when I heard someone kicking the door gently.

"Ayy I got a bunch of groceries in the car." Tokyo said carrying like twenty bags into the apartment and somehow managing to get to the kitchen without dropping any. "You going outside like that?" He asked and I didn't see anything wrong with what I was wearing... some basketball shorts, but I was just going to the parking lot...

"And what's wrong with what I got on?" I asked.

"Nothing... you look good as fuck, a little TOO good and there are some dudes out there... I just don't want them staring." Tokyo said smiling, I knew which dudes he was talking about, they were all a little older about 18-25 and for the most part they left me alone though there was this one that was always trying to smoke.

"Don't worry I'll make it quick...." I said slipping on my slides and walking out, when I came back Tokyo was putting up the groceries and I started helping. "You know you didn't have to do this, I still have all of the money you gave me last week and I was planning on going grocery shopping sooner or later." I said filling the cabinets.

"Well, now you don't have to... oh umm.... you mind if I stay here tonight? I really don't feel like staying at my place, my mom is trippin because I won't give her any money...." Tokyo said.

"Tokyo you know you don't need permission...." I said and he gave me that look, the same look he always gives me before reminding me that this is MY place. "Have you talked to Santi?" I asked.

"Yeah earlier... he really wants to talk to you... he really misses you." Tokyo said and Samiyah's words started banging against my brain, her blaming me for everything which caused me to shake the thoughts from my head. "Eventually you're going to have to talk to him... I can't keep coming up with excuses." Tokyo said.

"I'll umm... I'll talk to him, I just gotta...." I was unable to meet his eyes so I looked down but Tokyo walked over and lifted my chin. We stood there looking at each other until he took a step back.

"I gotta go get my clothes out of the car, I'll be back..." Tokyo said walking off and when he returned he ran straight for the bathroom. I finished putting up the groceries and just as I was about to sit on the couch I heard a loud crash coming from the bathroom. I jumped up and ran to see what the noise was and when I walked in Tokyo was struggling to get out of the shower curtains. "Oww...." Tokyo said standing up.

"How the fuck did that happen?" I asked noticing the small cut above his eye.

"I got distracted...." He said as I helped him up, he didn't seem to care that he was standing there completely naked... his long thick dick hanging between his legs and I swear I wanted nothing more than to touch it... just for a second.

Crossover Chronicles: Book 1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ