Gambino 20

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I remember the exact day Angel was snatched away from me, I remember what I was wearing down to the cologne, but more than anything I remember the intense fear and fury that I felt when Papa Tunde finally told me. I needed to let that go, Angel was back and I wasn't that same helpless kid anymore... I needed to move on. As I grabbed the phone from Cronus, I had a brief conversation with Frédéric, of course, he wanted to discuss business and I was always happy to make a little extra money (aside from my usual hustle) and this was an easy check. The only downside to his request was that I was forced to stay in this abysmal city for a few more days than I initially intended, it wasn't all bad that just meant more time with Angel and hopefully, I could get some more information on Papa Tunde. I really wasn't in a rush to get back to Boston since Sergio wouldn't be there and I really didn't have shyt else planned... I could call Dhamir but nah... my cousin was extremely busy at the moment and I didn't want to fuck up what he had going on. Once I finished my conversation with Frédéric, I noticed Cronus giving me that look... aww hell, this nigga wanted to talk, and to be honest I really wasn't in the mood but he was like a damn gnat and I knew he wouldn't leave until we talked.

"What was that about?" I asked wanting to know why Cronus and Damon had gone off with that dude Ricardo, but also I wanted to buy some time so if the subject of Angel came up, I'd have an answer ready, and if he tried to get me alone, I knew how to get out of it.

"I'm a private investigator, Ricardo is paying me a lot of money to investigate something for him... It's going to require me to leave the country for a few weeks but I'm hoping when I get back I can finally get some of this...." He said reaching over and grabbing my dick, I let him but you'd think he'd get the hint once he realized I wasn't getting hard... Cronus was sexy... he just wasn't my type.

"I guess we'll see when you get back. But I want to thank you... you helped me find Angel and now I can relax and move on, knowing that he's safe. Sucks that our business relationship has to end because you're a valuable asset." I said truthfully, Cronus would be good to have around if it weren't for the fact that he was interested in me.

"Doesn't have to be the end... but we can discuss that when I return. I need to get going, I have to give my report to my boss.... can you and Damon find your way back?" Cronus asked and I nodded. I don't think I exhaled until he was gone and even then I felt like I was being watched, Cronus wasn't going to stop until I dicked him down... the only problem with that, was once he got it he was going to want more, because they ALWAYS wanted more.....

"So what you got planned?" Damon asked as we left the gym.

"Probably chill here for a couple of days before heading back to Boston. After that, I'm heading to Vegas for the fight and I'll be out there for two weeks." I said shrugging and I could feel Damon's gaze burning into the side of my face.

"You talking about the Wyatt vs Turner fight? Nigga I was trying to get tickets to that shyt... how the fuck did you manage to pull that off?" Damon asked with a hint of jealousy in his voice.

"My cousin Dhamir set it up." I said shrugging, I didn't want to expose the fact that Vonterious Wyatt wanted the full treatment after his fight, because that wasn't my business to tell... but I always thought he was sexy so I was definitely going to make the most out of this business trip.

"Lucky ass... we're probably going to stay in the city another night before flying back to DC. Any plans on coming home any time soon? I know Daniel would love to see you and catch up... Peyton too." Damon said and I really loved his family, they brought me in and treated me like I was a part of their family which was something I wasn't use to until I met them.

"Not making any promises but I'll try to get down there by the end of the summer." I said and Damon nodded. "Well since y'all will be in town for one more night, we should grab dinner..." I said and once the plans were made, I went back to my hotel and decided to call Sergio. "How's your trip going?" I asked sitting on the edge of my bed.

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