Major 5

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You'd think I'd be happy; I was living my dream, playing the sport I love and making tons of money... but to be completely honest I was fuckin miserable! My dad micromanaged my every move, my older brothers fuckin hated me because I was the 'golden child', or maybe it was because my dad treated them like his friend's pets that he was watching over the weekend... and he hated pets. My dad focused all his time and energy on me, because I was the talented one, the one with more potential than he had, the one who actually made it to the league.... I just wanted to play football, for me the money was a bonus but for my dad the money was EVERYTHING; he was constantly trying to expand my brand, looking for any and every opportunity to make more money 'for me', though he made sure he got his cut before I even touched it. The craziest part is that I haven't even played a single down but the expectations that were weighing on my shoulders, I couldn't be good... I had to be the best and if I wasn't I was definitely going to hear about it before I even took my shoulder pads off. I just wanted to relax so when my boy Iyani invited me over, I jumped at the chance to forget about everything and just have fun.

"So when can we expect these damn strippers and they better have fat asses...." DeVante said as we walked around this massive estate. A few years ago me and DeVante had a fling while he was dating Iyani and I was dating Sergio, even though shyt didn't work out with any of us, that messy situation solidified our friendship.

"My assistant Moneice handled all the arrangements, she's thorough and I'm sure the dudes she picked are legit..... She hasn't failed me yet, and if these dudes are up to the standard that I'm use to I might have to buy her a house, a car, and some Tiffany's." I said laughing. As we continued our walk I noticed Sergio and that dude Gambino sitting under a tree, they were playing Rock, Paper, Scissors and if you asked me they looked like they were having the time of their lives. "So what's their deal?" I asked nodding towards Sergio and Gambino.

"Please don't tell me you miss that nigga?" DeVante said in disgust, I see he still hated Sergio and I guess part of that was my fault; after we all got caught cheating me and DeVante tried giving it a shot, and well... I ended up cheating on him with Sergio, and I was just the first in a long list of dudes they competed over.

"Nah... I wouldn't date any of y'all niggas ever again, I just want him to be happy and from the looks of it, dude got Sergio smiling harder than I've seen in a long time." I said watching them for a few more seconds before we continued our walk. "What you miss Iyani?" I asked.

"WHAT?!?!?!? NO, I mean.... I don't know..... That's my boy and everything but I don't know man, it's complicated... I feel like we never really had a chance. We were both young, stupid, and horny... I've grown though and I was thinking that maybe by moving up here we could..... but I don't want to ruin our friendship over some childhood feelings." DeVante said and I couldn't help but smile, those two were a headache but I kinda wanted them to give love a chance but I knew Iyani wasn't ready and if I was being honest I didn't think DeVante was either, they both needed to grow some more before giving it another go....

"Ayy go ahead, this my dad....." I said motioning for DeVante to go on without me because I didn't want him hearing this conversation that was sure to piss me off. "Wassup dad?" I asked leaning up against one of the massive trees.

"Don't hang up on me boy I wasn't finished talking.... now back to what I was saying. So I see you went against my orders and took your ass to Boston, but you know what this could work out in our benefit because it's a quick flight to New York for this business meeting I set up for you." He said proudly. "So I was talking to the people at VH1 and they're looking to bring back the Flavor of Love type shows and I presented the idea that it would be coo to have a gay lead... meaning you."

"Dad.... come on man, I got enough going on as it is, the last thing I need to do is get on some dating show that we all know is fake as fuck and I really wished you'd stop with the whole pushing my sexuality for-profit thing.... I'm gay, but I'm not trying to be some type of gay role model.... Let me rephrase that, if I inspire some gay athlete to live in his truth I have no problem with that but I don't want to be forced to do it..." I said not sure if I was making a strong case.

Crossover Chronicles: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now