the German kids

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We walked in the studio and opened the doors. there they were! The German Kidz bop kids! The old German girl Kidz bop Lahja glanced up menacingly. She was obviously angry she was being replaced by Rahel. Meanwhile Leon shyly looked over at us and smiled. And Kimi happily beckoned us over. As we approached the Kidz bop Germany kids I could see Toby's eyes widen at Kidz bop Rahel. He quickly looked away smiling to himself. And then the adults came in to explain the music video and what we were expected to do.
"Hello Kidz bop Germany and hello Kidz bop Uk," said our choreographer David. "Let's do a video together"
As David began to teach us the new moves to our dance video I glanced over at Toby. He was glazing over at Rahel dreamily.
"Uh....Toby. David is that way." I said tapping him. He looked at me confused.
"Huh?" He asked.
"Let me guess. Someone has a little crush on Kidz bop Rahel?" I teased him.
"What?? Who?!?" He asked horrified looking around.
"You silly. Wow, you are really distracted by her. " I said laughing.
"I'm sorry, she's just so beautiful. I just got to ask her out! " He exclaimed.
I nodded.
"Why don't you ask her after rehearsal?" I suggested.
He nervously fidgeted with his thumbs.
"What if she says No?" He asked a little shyly.
"C'mon, someone who has been a celebrity as long as you? You have been in magazines and commercials and even movies before even entering kidzbop! Not to mention you're a totally brilliant piano player! I'm surprised she hasn't asked YOU out!" I laughed slapping his back.
"Yeah your right!" He said brightening up.
"Ok I'll ask her right after rehearsal."
Just then a huge menacing clap of thunder sounded outside. We all glanced outside to see it was starting to pour. David smiled at all our worried faces.
"Don't worry children. Just a small thunderstorm. Nothing to worry about. " He told us. I grinned at Toby.
"Okay Toby, As soon as rehearsal ends, You Go Get your Woman."

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