Toby Asks Rahel out

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As it rained heavily outside I Helped Toby get ready to ask Rahel out. He was practically shaking he was so nervous! I combed his blonde hair and straightened his coat. Then I did my best to bring up his confidence.
"Listen Toby, you deserve Rahel as your girlfriend. I can see the way you look at her. And I know you can have any girl you set your eyes on if you just put your mind to it." I told him.
"Just treat her with respect, let her know how much you like her, and of course give her this."
I handed Toby a nice red rose. He took it in his still shaking hands and looked at it.
"Don't forget. You're an amazing kind boy and Rahel is going to love having you as a boyfriend. Now  go make her day " I happily told him. He looked up at me and smiled.
"Okay, Sadie. I will. Thank you." He said hugging me. He happily ran off clutching the rose I had given him. I smiled at him so happy before sinking to the ground. I stared at my feet quietly thinking about how my dear friend Toby had gotten a crush on Kidz bop Rahel. The way he lit up and smiled at her whenever he saw her. It was almost like me whenever I saw him.
" But me and Toby had been friends since we were very little." I thought.
"He'd never see me as anything more than a sister. He'd never like me back...."
5 minutes later I went to chill with Tafari and Chanel in the lounge room at the rehearsal studio we were filming at. Evelyn and Lahja were playing air hockey downstairs, Kimi and Leon were god knows where and Rahel was standing by the top of the stairs waiting to asked out by my friend Toby. And any minute now he was going to emerge to us announcing Rahel as his new girlfriend. We were just discussing our new video we were filming when I heard Toby's footsteps approaching us. But something wasn't right. His face was stained with tears as he came running up. His eyes were widened and panicked. And his hands were violently shaking. He stared at us with eyes still filled with shock and horror.
"Kidz bop Rahel is DEAD!! I went to ask her out and she was laying at the bottom of the stairs DEAD!!!" he finally gasped out.

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