Rescued by a cupcake.

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I slowly backed into the wall as Toby began to approach me. I could see his face looming in the moonlight silently contorting with rage. His dark under eye circles hinted at his severe lack of sleep from the past couple days, and I realized with horror that he clearly had had no sleep even with his nap earlier. He hadn't even slept the night before we even arrived in Germany. His eyes almost had a deranged look in them, And I know I didn't really mean to, but I really had kicked him hard when I was crawling into the air vents. His nose had broken splattering blood down his lips and chin. And worse of all he had done absolutely nothing to even attempt to treat it. He simply did not care anymore. I could feel my heart violently racing as his cold menacing eyes glazed at me standing in his and Tafari's room. before they slowly glanced down at the security footage still in my hands.
"Give me the footage Sadie." He said, staring at me coldly. Bits of dried blood flaked off his lips and teeth as he spoke.
"Give it to me...Now."
"Please Toby, don't do this. It's not too late to turn yourself in! We can go together! I'll be with you every step of the way, just please don't do this!" I begged.
"Give me the footage, Sadie"
"It's not too late! It's not too late! Please Toby, we can go together!" I begged as tears began to form in my eyes.
"Give me the footage, Sadie!"
"Please don't do this! Please don't do this! It's not too late! I swear it's not too late, just don't do this please!" I sobbed.
"ENOUGH IS ENOUGH SADIE! GIVE ME THE FOOTAGE!" he screamed. He lunged at me reaching for the footage!
"NO!" I screamed as he began trying to wrestle the footage out of my hands!
I screamed as he knocked me to the ground. I hit the ground hard as the wind was instantly knocked out of me. I glanced up at Toby's bloody face as he smiled triumphantly at me.
"Now I'm going to do what I should have in the beginning. Destroy the footage, so everyone thinks Rahel's death was an accident. And YOU are going to keep your mouth shut." He said happily.
"I KNOW for a fact Rahel's death wasn't an accident!" I yelled. "And I'll never shut up! Not for a million years! Rahel might have been mean but she didn't deserve this!"
"Yeah, well without this footage who's going to believe you? " He asked. "I have the only evidence convicting me so now after I destroy this I'm home free!" He happily said. I was shocked. It was the happiest I had seen him since Rahel's death. His lips still covered in dried blood stretched out into a gleeful smile and his cold timid eyes were glittering with happiness. That was...until something hit him knocking the footage tape right out of his hands. We both glanced back to see what had struck Toby. And my mouth dropped. It was a strawberry cupcake! Toby looked up at the doorway in surprise.
"Hello Toby. " Said Lahja happily standing in the doorway.
"So I heard you're trying to frame me for a murder YOU committed. Well I got news for you. You might be able to keep Kidz bop Sadie quiet, but can you keep all of Kidz bop Germany quiet?"

Kidz bop Murder MysteryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora