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For a few moments me and Toby just stood there looking at each other. Everything made sense now. Initially I had thought Toby's change of behavior and lack of sleep was due to walking in on Rahel's corpse. But if he really had walked in on a corpse murdered by complete stranger, he would have wanted Justice. His anxiety and  timidness was all due to guilt of accidently killing Rahel and fear of us finding out. Toby stared shyly at his feet. It was obvious he didn't want me to find out. Finally Toby sighed and went over to the security footage. He pushed a button and ejected all the footage from yesterday including the footage of him killing Rahel.
"" I started, but he interrupted me.
"I didn't mean to. I didn't mean to kill her. she was so mean to me." He whispered softly turning to me. He shyly stared at his feet and pocketed the footage.
"Toby. We have to tell David." I said. "If we don't. they might blame Lahja for this."
I held my hand out for the footage he just took. But Toby shook his head violently.
"No!! We can't! I'll lose everything if people find out about this! I'll never get another role in a movie ever again! People will look at me on the streets with fear instead of joy! I'll never compete in another dance competition again!" He begged. I crossed my arms.
"Rahel needs justice, Toby. I'm sorry but I'm not keeping my mouth shut just to save your career. " I replied.
Toby stared at me for a few moments.
"But Sadie, it's worse! They'll send me to jail. With boys who have done far worse than me. I might even be tried as an adult so I'll be sent to where they house pedophiles and serial killers. Please don't do this to me! Please!" He begged.
"Toby listen to me. You're only 12 years old. I highly doubt they're going to send you where they keep pedophiles and serial killers. You going to be all right. your dad will get a lawyer and you're going to make it through this. but I'm not going to help you keep it a secret. Please Toby. Give me the footage. Then we'll go tell David together." I said soothingly. He stared at me timidly shuffling his feet. And for a moment it looked like he might go with me. But then he stepped out of the security room and slammed the door shut.
"Toby what are you doing!" I cried out surprised.
"I'm sorry Sadie. But no one can know my little secret." I heard him say from the other side of the door. I heard the door lock.
"No you can't do this! somebody will find me in here!" I yelled out.
I could hear him shyly shuffling his feet.
"No They won't. I'll figure out something so they won't." He suddenly said. My eyes widened.
"Toby please! I'm your friend! We've known each other since we were really little!!" I shouted. I waited for a few moments. there was absolute silence, except for a few sounds of Toby still shuffling his feet.
"Just stay in here. I'll be right back." He finally said. I heard him leave. I desperately looked for a way out. He was clearly scared. I wasn't sure what he was going to do. But I sure as heck wasn't going to wait around to find out. I noticed a air vent right in the ceiling just big enough for a little girl to crawl through. I immediately began to stack chairs on top of each other to get up to it. I could hear Toby's feet returning as I climbed up the pile. I could hear the door opening as I pushed my way into the air vent.
"Hey!" Toby screamed as I began to crawl inside.
He run over and grabbed my foot. I screamed as he attempted to yank me back down. Then without even meaning to I kicked him directly in the face causing him to let go and knock the chairs over. The chairs I stacked up collapsed on top of him, as he screamed out in pain. Now freed I quickly crawled completely into the air vent and glanced down. Toby's face was a mess of blood. And there were chairs everywhere. I could hear David running to see what was going on. I quickly disappeared into the air vent. I had to tell everyone the truth. Irregardless of what the Toby wanted me to or not.

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