Just a accident

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I pulled Toby towards David's office. He was already in there talking to the police on the phone.
"David. I know who murdered Rahel." I said walking in without knocking. David glanced at me and chuckled.
"Oh, do you now?" He asked, smiling. He hung up the phone.
"Yes! It's Lahja! She was jealous of Rahel replacing her in Kidz bop so she murdered her!" I exclaimed.
But David simply laughed again.
"Look Sadie. I don't know how to tell you this, but No one murdered Rahel. She could have easily tripped and hurt herself on those stairs herself. In fact I was just telling the police those very same facts. I highly doubt there was any foul play so you're really wasting your time." David told me. I stared at the ground in frustration while Toby shyly hid behind me watching David.
"Trust me, Sadie. This was all just a accident. I'm sure of it. we might not even check the security footage. There's really no need to play detective. Now why don't you take your little friend back to the other Kidz bop UK kids. He looks like he could use a nap." David told me gently. I glanced at Toby. he clearly hadn't slept since the morning he got on the plane to Germany. I carefully led him back to the others and wrapped a yellow blanket around him.
"Alright. You need to rest." I told him.
"But what about the Rahel's murderer?" He asked.
"You heard David, Toby. He said It was just....... a accident." I replied quietly.
He seemed calmer after that and immediately went to sleep. I guess this whole investigation had been really exhausting for him. Then again how would you feel investigating people who you thought were going to be your friends for murder? It had to be pretty tiring. I laid down too beside my friend lost in thought. Something didn't add up. It couldn't have just been an accident. Surely Rahel couldn't have tripped and fallen down those stairs by herself. But David said he was certain it was an accident. They weren't even going to check the security footage. Suddenly my eyes lit up.
"The security footage!" I thought excitedly.
"That's how we'll find out! That's how we'll find out who Rahel's murderer really is! And I bet you ten bucks, her hair is blonde and her name is Lahja!"

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