Leon and Kimi

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The next day I hid behind a wall and peered into the room Leon and Kimi were sleeping in while we were filming the music video. The boys were downstairs quietly playing air hockey in attempt to distract themselves from thoughts of their friend Rahel. But I knew better. And I was almost certain that they could be the ones who killed Rahel. I could see the clothes they were wearing the day Rahel died now laying on the floor. Toby nervously stood behind me with Tafari as Chanel stood to keep watch and warn us of the boys return
"Alright you guys. We're going in." I told the others. We entered the room quietly and began to search for clues. I carefully picked up the clothes the boys had been wearing to examine them. And my mouth dropped. Both sleeves of both their shirts were covered in red stains. And I had no doubt that those red stains were Rahel's blood!
"Murderers! I knew it! C'mon you guys! I'd like to see those so called "nice" boys explain this!" I shouted.
We headed downstairs. Both boys were sitting on the couch down there. It seems nether of them wanted to play air hockey anymore.
"Hey you! We're investigating the death of Rahel and we have reason to suspect that you're the ones who killed her!" I yelled at them.
Kimi's eyes flared with rage the moment those words left my mouth. But he remained perfectly calm.
"That's insane. We would never hurt our friend. We love Rahel." He said quietly, eyes burning with anger.
"Then how do you explain this!" I shouted throwing their blood stained shirts on the floor!
"What the...? Did you guys go in our room? Stay out of our personal space! You people are freaking psycho! Anyway, those shirts don't prove anything. our sleeves are stained red because we were making strawberry cupcakes! " Leon angrily replied. I stood there confused and picked up one of the shirts and sniffed the sleeve. I could smell a faint hint of strawberry. My face turned bright red.
"My apologies. Maybe I jumped to conclusions a little too fast." I mumbled embarrassed.
Leon seemed to accept my apology, but Kimi simply glared at us and turned away. It seems we had hit a dead end.

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