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Ten minutes later, We all stood about silently as the police handcuffed Toby and led him away. David had made sure to keep a firm grip on him until the police at last arrived. But there was one thing I didn't understand.
"Lahja, I thought you hated Rahel why were you laughing with her at the top of the stairs?" I asked as the police disappeared with Toby in hand.
"Well to be honest I kind of did. And I was going to give her what for at the top of the stairs but then I realized she was a really cool person and we just started laughing and hanging out. And I realized maybe it wasn't such a bad thing that she was replacing me. " Lahja replied. She stared at the floor sadly. I put my hand on her shoulder.
"Don't worry I'm sure Rahel's in a better place now. And besides you could always be friends with me?" I offered. Lahja looked up at me.
"Even after the nasty way we treated you?" She asked.
"Well... I didn't like when Evelyn got cupcake in my hair..." I mumbled quietly. Lahja smiled kindly at me.
"Would you like a strawberry cupcake to eat instead, Sadie?" She asked kindly.
I lit up with pure happiness.
"Yes please! Can mine have sprinkles?"
"Hahaha, we'll probably have to make a new batch. but it might be more fun to make some cupcakes with all of you Kidz bop UK kids. What do you say Tafari and Chanel?" Lahja asked.
"Yes please!" They said together in unison. We all chuckled again.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
6 months later we had finally found a new Kidz bop UK kid to replace Toby. He had brown hair and freckles and unlike Toby who was only really shy when it came to girls he really liked, this new boy was shy all the time. His name was Jeremy and he had come from London to film the music video we were originally going to do with Toby and Rahel. I sat down with Tafari and Chanel as Jeremy timidly came in.
"It's okay, don't be shy." I told him kindly. "We're all very happy to have you here "
"But I heard terrible rumors." Jeremy stammered.
"I heard the boy I'm replacing killed some poor girl in Kidz bop Germany. He smothered her in her sleep and then he was planning on killing everyone else with a knife!" He whispered.
"What!" I thought angrily. Kidz bop had done everything in their power to cover up what had happened. But rumors had spread like wildfire all ranging from Toby being a psychopathic serial killer to the accidental death this whole incident had actually been. One kid even said Toby had already murdered multiple other Kidz bop kids and they had just dug up the skeletons in his backyard! The imaginations on these fans I swear!
"Those are just rumors, Jeremy." Tafari said. Jeremy timidly sat down next to me and Chanel and glanced across the room at Kidz bop Germany.
Kimi and Evelyn's contracts had expired by this point so now they had been replaced by two new kids, Ferdi and Amelia. Lahja was still in Kidz bop now taking Rahel's place and Leon was sitting over there smiling shyly and beckoning us to come over.
"Do you guys see that? I think he wants us to come over?" Jeremy said in a frightened voice.
"Yes, we should probably go over and say hi then."
I replied.
"But I heard horrible nasty rumors about those kids! I heard one of them cussed out a fan for not tagging them in a fanedit! I don't want to get cussed out!" Jeremy whispered. He stared at the floor timidly twiddling his thumbs.
"Please Jeremy. You really shouldn't believe everything you hear." I replied smiling. And with that we all got up hand in hand and went over to talk to Kidz bop Germany, who I now knew were really nice people.

Kidz bop Murder MysteryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora