Get that security footage!!

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As I crawled thur the dark, I realized that without that footage no one would believe me even if I did tell them.
I found another opening in the air vent and peered thur. I could see some of the adults talking.
"Did you find her yet?" A man asked another.
"No. Apparently one of her friends said she went crazy and crawled up into the air vents. She even kicked the poor kid in the face." The 2nd man said.
"I thought Sadie was a nice little girl. Figures." The 1st man said shrugging.
"That little weasel!" I thought in anger.
"I absolutely have to get that security footage!"
I waited until the grown-ups left before moving on. Eventually I managed to make it to where all of us kids were sleeping. I found an opening in the air vent and peered into The room where Toby and Tafari were staying. Tafari was asleep in his bed. A half eaten strawberry cupcake sat on his bedside. "What?" I thought. "Those stupid German kids gave Tafari a cupcake? No fair!"
I glanced across the room. There was Toby still awake. I made sure He couldn't see me by hiding more in the vent. He appeared to just be sitting on his bed staring at that security footage with a shy hopeless look on his face. But it was too dark to really tell.
"Drat. He's still awake I'll never get that security footage with him there." I thought. I turned and headed towards where Chanel was sleeping. Toby and Tafari shared a room right next to me and chanel's. If I could just alert Chanel what was going on, she might be able to help me get that security footage.
I finally made it directly above me and chanel's room. I found an opening and peered down. Chanel was still awake brushing her hair. I dropped down into the room.
"Chanel." I said. She turned around surprised.
"Sadie, where the heck have you been everyone's been worried sick about you. And Toby's been telling crazy stories where you went nuts and crawled up into the air vents. He said you're the one that made his face all bloody." She exclaimed. She glanced up to where I just dropped down.
"Sadie were you just in the air vents?" She asked.
I sighed.
"Yes but it's for good reason. I know who murdered Rahel. It wasn't Lahja. It was Toby! And when he found out that I knew the truth, he locked me in the security room! I had to crawl through the air vents to get out!" I said.
"That doesn't really sound like Toby...." Chanel replied quietly.
"He hasn't been acting like himself for the past couple days. He's never been this shy and anxious before. It's all because of the guilt of accidently killing his crush. And he took the only evidence proving his guilt. Please Chanel. Rahel needs justice. Will you help me?" I asked. Chanel stood there for a few seconds. Then nodded.
"What do you want me to do?" She asked.
"He's sitting in his room right now is there any chance you could lure him out?" I asked.
"Well the German kids gave both me and Tafari strawberry cupcakes so I could go up to him and tell him that they have a cupcake for him." She said.
"Oh man, you both got strawberry cupcakes." I thought in despair. 
"Okay. As long as you leave them out of the room let's do this. " I finally said.
Chanel went and knocked on Toby and Tafari's door. I heard one of the boys answer it.
"Hey Toby, the German kids said they have a strawberry cupcake left over for you. do you want it?" I heard her ask.
"No. I'm not hungry." I heard him mumble.
"You sure? You look like you're a wreck. How about I go buy you some hot chocolate? that seems to always make you feel better." Chanel offered. I heard Toby shyly shuffling his feet.
"I guess that would be fine. By the way do you know where Sadie is? I haven't seen her for hours now. I even heard the adults were looking for her." He asked.
"I haven't seen her. I wonder what scared her off." Chanel replied.
"Nothing scared her off. I think she's just being dumb." I heard Toby mumble with a hint of anger in his voice. I heard them walk off until their voices became silent. Then I quickly ran into Toby and Tafari's room. I quickly searched everywhere for that footage! I looked in drawers, under the bed, anywhere Toby might have hidden it. Then all of a sudden I found it! Right in one of a Toby's dirty socks.
"Found you!" I said happily. But my happiness was short lived because just then there was a huge clap of thunder. And I saw Toby's menacing blood stained face staring right at me!

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