Time To Investigate

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Rahel was pronounced dead at the scene. The police took her away with a white sheet covering her face. Toby was sitting silently wrapped up in a blanket. His eyes were reddened with tears and his hot cocoa was now drunk. David had made sure to keep him away as the police were dealing with Rahel. He didn't want to upset him more. As for the rest of us we watched the police leave the building with Rahel's body while David kept Toby away from the windows. I tapped my finger on my chin as I glanced at everyone in the room. Could someone in this room perhaps be a murderer? My eyes slowly fell on Kimi and Leon. No one knew where they were when the murder happened. I wondered if Kimi was really as nice as everyone said he was. I wondered if Leon was really as shy as he acted around us Kidz bop UK kids. Tafari watched me lost in thought.
"Hmm. Are you trying to figure out who killed Rahel?" He asked.
"Yes. Yes and I already have a couple suspects."
Toby gave me a frightened look.
"Who?" Tafari asked yawning.
"Well the way I see it the murderer definitely has to be one of those Kidz bop Germany people. I mean look at them! There's already horrible rumors going around that they're cussing people out! why wouldn't they take it a step further and kill somebody. Someone wanted Rahel dead and there's a good chance their names are Leon and Kimi. "
I stared at them as they silently watched the police cars leaving the building.
"But the murderer killed Rahel, they might kill you too." Toby said anxiously.
"I don't want you to die too."
"Don't worry Toby. I'm smart. I'm not going to let any stupid German kids get the best of me." I happily told him.
But in my mind I wasn't so sure.

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