No Pianos In Prison.

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For a moment Toby stood silently staring at Lahja in shock.
I too was quite a bit shocked. I mean I thought the Kidz bop Germany kids hated me! Now they were helping me?!? Chanel appeared smiling by Lahja.
"You told them?" I asked surprised.
"Well Toby started getting suspicious at the hot cocoa machine and ran off back to the room. I wasn't sure what to do so I told Lahja everything." Chanel replied.
"Yes, and I in return told the rest of Kidz bop Germany. " Lahja said, grinning.
"So David might not believe the truth if Sadie alone tells him, but he will, if Sadie and the all of Kidz bop Germany does!"
Toby slammed his fist down loudly!
His eyes blazed with intense anger, and before any of us knew what was about to happen, he lunged at Lahja screaming with rage.
"OH NO, YOU DON'T!!" Evelyn yelled!
And she hit Toby in the face with a big fat strawberry cupcake!! All of Kidz bop Germany began pelting him with all strawberry cupcakes Kimi and Leon had made causing strawberry frosting to fly everywhere!!!
Half blinded by the cupcakes, Toby stumbled into the wall and fell down. I quickly grabbed the footage from the ground as Kidz bop Germany continued to pelt Toby with cupcakes.
"Over here Sadie!" Evelyn shouted to me. "We need that to show David!"
"No need Evelyn. I already know everything." David said suddenly appearing. It seems all the commotion that caught several grownups attention.
The German kids stopped pelting Toby with cupcakes as David walked up.
Toby looked up frightened as David approached.
"Very good detective work Sadie. Though I already knew Toby was guilty after the police left with Rahel's body.
I know guilt when I see it, and after the police left and the footage was accessible, I checked the security footage and saw Toby murdering Rahel. The police of course were already gone by this point. so when you guys tried to tell me that it was Lahja, I instead replied that I thought it was an accident. Since of course I knew Lahja was innocent and I knew who the real guilty person was. but I didn't want to say so in case this one here tried to make a break for it." David said. He then turned to Toby.
"The police are already on their way Toby. it's taking them a little while due to the tremendous thunderstorm, but they should be here to arrest you very soon."
David smiled at him.
"But... But... But..." Toby stammered, still covered in strawberry cupcakes.
He looked over at me pleadingly.
I shook my head at him.
"Sorry Toby. there are no pianos in prison."

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