the murderer is finally revealed

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That night Toby begged me not to go. He said I might get caught by David or worse a security guard. He said it wasn't worth it and I should just let the investigation go. That Rahel was most likely dead by accident like David had said. But I just smiled at him. It was obvious investigating his crush's death was killing him. I mean he walked in on her corpse. He clearly just wanted to move on from all this.
"You don't have to go with me, if you don't want to, Toby. I can see this is all very hard on you. But I need answers Toby. Lahja is guilty and now I can get the proof to prove it to everyone. So stay here if you want. I'm going to sneak into the security room and check out that footage!" I told him. Toby stared at his feet shyly.
"No. I'm going with you. If we get caught, we get caught together." He said.
"You know you don't have to do that." I told him.
"I know. I want to. Your my friend." He said. I smiled at him. I really didn't want him to go. Not when the investigation was clearly killing him. Even after his nap, he still had bags under his eyes. His hair was still messy and he hadn't really acted like himself since Rahel's death. I couldn't let him continue on this investigation. But Toby wasn't budging. So as soon as the coast was clear, we began to sneak to the security room. As soon as we made sure no adults were around I began to pick the lock. Then while Toby kept watch, I crept into the security room to finally look at that footage. My heart began to pound violently as I looked at the security cameras the grownups used to observe the building we were in. From the looks of it the security cameras would record everything each day then as soon as each day was over the footage would become accessible. And The Time it was accessible is now. Time to see who murdered Rahel. I could see the camera aiming at the stairs where Toby discovered The corpse. My hands were shaking as I found yesterday's footage. Then fast forwarded to the moment Rahel died. This was it. The time was now. Lahja and Rahel were standing at the top of the stairs laughing. It was just a few minutes before Toby initially would show up. I wondered how Lahja would do it. would it be quick? Or did she take her time with the murder?
"OMG Rahel. Did you see those new Kidz bop UK kids? They're so much younger than the old ones!" Lahja laughed.
"Did you see how long the black ones hair was!! he looked like he was trying to be Rapunzel or something!" Rahel chuckled.
"Ha ha ha! Ta-punzel!" Lahja laughed along.
I felt my face turning red.
"They're talking crap about us!" I thought angrily.
"Did you see that little blonde boy? He looks like he could be that blonde girl's little brother!" Lahja giggled.
"Did I see that blonde boy. He was making goo goo eyes at me the entire rehearsal. And yes he does look like he could be that blonde girl's little brother." Rahel replied hotly.
"Do you think he's going to ask you out?" Lahja asked suddenly serious.
"Honestly, who cares. He's a dork and a pipsqueak." Rahel replied, but she was fidgeting with her thumbs nervously.
"Rahel, I know your nervous about that dorky little boy asking you out. " Lahja said.
" But seriously you don't need him. Remember you told me you already have a crush on Kimi."
"Oh yes Kimi!" Rahel said lighting up.
They started rambling on about Kimi's soccer muscles. I was growing impatient. When was Lahja going to kill Rahel? Lahja told Rahel that Kimi and Leon were baking strawberry cupcakes and that she was going to go hang out with Evelyn before grabbing some. Rahel agreed to meet her for cupcakes, then to my surprise, she left. Silence. Rahel standing at the top of the stairs on her phone and Lahja no where in sight. I wondered if Lahja would come back to kill her. Then to my shock, Toby showed up!
"But Toby said, Rahel was already dead when he showed up." I thought in horror. He approached Rahel with the nice red rose I had given him.
"Hi Rahel." He said, beaming at her.
"Ew, It spoke." Rahel said, rolling her eyes.
"What?" He asked surprised.
"Nothing, what do you want, Toby." Rahel asked as she tapped her foot impatiently.
"Uh, I just wanted to ask if you'd like to get a soda or something sometime. I really think you're pretty. And I was hoping it could sorta" He asked timidly holding the rose out to her. Rahel took the flower and tossed it in the trash.
"Sorry, I'm allergic to dorks." She replied.
"What?!? What's that supposed to mean?" Toby asked a little offended.
"Well let me put it this way. I'm a pretty girl who's way out of your league and you're a whiny little pipsqueak. Get the picture?" She turned to leave down the stairs but something stopped her. She glanced back to see that Toby had grabbed on to her blouse sleeve.
He gave her the biggest puppy eyes he could muster.
"Please." He whispered.
"Just one chance. Please?"
But Rahel had enough. She gave him a hard shove knocking him to the ground.
"Touch me again, you little freak, And I'll hit you harder." She threatened. She looked at her shirt.
"Great. now I have to wash dork germs off my blouse." She started to descend the stairs. Toby sat on the ground, dazed for a few seconds. Then all of a sudden without warning, he shoved her back! Rahel loudly screamed as she lost her balance and tumbled down the stairs. It was clear Toby's intentions were only to get her back for knocking him down and being so mean. But his shove did so much more. Rahel's neck loudly snapped as she landed on the final step. Toby rushed down to make sure she was okay. He screamed and screamed for her to wake up shaking her limp body as he did so. But it was too late. She was dead. I sat there in absolute shock. It all made sense now. Lahja was innocent. Toby was the real murderer.
"I....I have to tell the others!" I thought rushing back towards the door. But I forgot who was waiting on the other side. There right in front of the door was Toby, his dead eyes staring menacingly at me.
"So," He said quietly folding his arms across his chest.
"Now you know the truth."

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