Chapter 4

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It has been less than four hours since the Greatest Witch Of Our Age, Hermione Granger, was hit by a love potion and already the news has spread all over the school. It's like Hogwarts is a car and this piece of gossip is the fuel, the vehicle headed on the road to self-destruction. I say self-destruction because, in the short space of time since the news began to spread, the recollections of what actually happened in Dungeon 19 have changed so many times, that it is now near impossible to tell the truth from the pure fabrication.

Students run from table to table, some missing out on their dinner just to be able to hear every versions of the twisted tale and then piece them all together to make their own, patented version.

Let's sit down at the Ravenclaw Table and hear what's being said...

"Apparently, Snape knocked over the potion on Hermione accidentally-on-purpose in order to get revenge on the Golden Trio for something they stole from his personal cabinet back in 2nd Year..."" Well, I heard that Ron Weasley tipped the potion on her and tried placing himself in front of her when she woke up to make her fall in love with him, because he's been in love with her since 4th Year, but it all went horribly wrong and she fell for Draco Malfoy instead..."

"That's utter nonsense. A Slytherin himself told me that Hermione tipped the potion on herself intentionally out of sheer boredom..."

"Well, word on the street is Hermione is really just pretending that the love potion affected her 'cause she's secretly been in lovewith Draco this whole time and got tired of pretending she hates his guts... but you didn't hear it from me..."

Sweet Jesus... wait one, it can't be. Half the Great Hall turn and stare at the entrance as the man of the hour, yes, Draco Malfoy himself, breezes past the doorway closely pursued by a large group of what looks to be 6th Year Gryffindors. Oh, dearie me. It seems as though the Love Potion Incident, or the LVI as it has come to be known, has stirred up a lot more trouble than was previously thought...



"I just had to see if it was true!" Ginny bursts into my room, banging open my oaken door (rudely, might I add). I frown at her, confused. What on Earth is she talking about, now? I put down my Potions homework and look at her, concerned. Has she OD'd on Coca Cola again (I really regret letting her taste it for the first time at my house during the summer)

OK, I know this is completely random, but I love my room. Every time, I look at it properly I smile. Decorated entirely in red and gold, there is a beautiful four-poster, king-size bed, light gold (practically cream) throw rug, pine floorboards, two light gold leather sofas and a floor-to-ceiling window (through which I can see the Fields). Even though I adore all of it, I have to say that my favourite part has definitely got to be my expansive, walk-in-closet that is enchanted to expand every time it gets full.

"What's the matter, Nini?" I ask, using my nickname for her. She flops down onto the sofa next to me and regards me earnestly. She is really making me worry about her now.

"There's a rumour going round that Neville spilled a love potion on you and that now you're in love with Malfoy... please tell me that this isn't true and that the school's just gone ape-shit." She looks at me, appealingly, hands clasped tightly at her stomach. What in Heaven's holy name...

"Heck, no! Sure, maybe it spilled on me, but it had no effect on me whatsoever." I assure her.

"Oh, thank God."

"Because I've always been in love with Draco."

"Oh, dear Lord. It is true." She looks appalled. At what? I mean couldn't everyone tell what my true feelings for him were? Ah, Draco. I sigh in remembrance. He's so perfect. She shakes her head in disbelief and seizes hold of my hands."There isn't a snowball's chance in Hell that you're actually in love with the freak-above-all-freaks. This is what you must remember." Why is this girl so intent on fooling herself?

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