Chapter 15

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Oh, God. Headache. Really bad headache. And all that sunlight shining through the curtains is really not helping...

Clasping my head, I sit up slowly in bed. It turns out that the headache isn't the only thing bother me, because, for some reason, there is a really weird feeling in the pit of my stomach... almost like foreboding.

And, strangely, the last thing I remember is Neville spilling something in Potions. Hmm... maybe I fainted? Well, that would explain the headache and the weird feeling. Oh, well. Now that that's sorted out, no point in hanging around here any longer.

I push back my thick red duvet and slide off my bed before stretching. Right, first things first. I walk into the closet and over to the mirror, inspecting my reflection, earnestly. I don't see anything different. Same wavy brown hair, honey eyes and all the rest of it.

Shrugging, I turn away and walk over to the nearest rack of jeans. I select a pair of jeans and, after grabbing a jumper and a pair of black mules, change into my outfit.

I grab my usual school bag, and, after ensuring all my stuff is in it, walk out of my closet, through my room and into the bathroom.

Oh, God. Just what I need when I have the worst headache in the world. And to think I was hoping to avoid him.

Malfoy turns at my entrance from where he is looking through out towel closet. I watch him warily. What's it going to be this time? Annoying Bookworm? Or the 'oh-so-original- Mudblood?

Wait a minute... why the Hell is he smiling at me like that? What on Earth is he up to now?

The widest of smiles on his face, he walks over to me. Woah, what is he doing? His arms are now wrapped tightly around me. Instantly, I push him off, roughly and give his supposedly 'startled' face my best 'What-The-Hell-Have-You-Been-Smoking' look. He gazes back at me with what I know is faked bewilderment.

"What's wrong?" he asks, eyes roving over my face. 

"What did I do?" What did he- Is this boy crazy?

"What the HELL do you think you're doing?" I ask, breathing heavily in rage. If I didn't know any better, I would say he looks devastated, hurt and confused, mouth gaping in shock. But I do know better and I therefore also know that he is just an extremely good actor, faking it to get on my nerves; most likely as part of an ill executed prank.

"Look," I begin, reigning my temper back in, slightly, "I don't know what you think you're doing, but, whatever... sick game you're playing, please do NOT involve me in it".

Giving up on my intention to relax for a while before heading down to breakfast, I quickly brush my teeth, Malfoy standing stock still, watching me all the while. Throwing one last icy glare at him, I storm out of the bathroom, slamming the door behind me.

Still slightly confused and annoyed at just what Malfoy seemed to think he was doing, I walk quickly down the stairs, grabbing my coat off the banister. All I can hope for is that he'll stay the Hell out of my damn way for the remainder of the day.

God, I hope Harry and Ron have already gotten up; I would hate to have to trek all the way to the Gryffindor Tower to wake them up. I pull open the door and stand waiting for the portrait to swing slowly past. Right, it's 6th September today, so I have to- AHH, MY EYES!

Am I blind? All I can see is bright flashes of white light and, when I close my eyes, they continue to dance around on the inside of my lids. Just what is going on here? Maybe I can... still with my eyes tightly shut, 

I open my bag and dig around in it, pushing past all the unneeded objects. Huh, that's strange. I could have sworn that I haven't cleaned out this bag since early August, so my sunglasses should be in here. Oh, well. I'll just have to make do.I open my eyes and wait patiently for them to adjust to the still flashing lights. Ah, OK. My vision's clearing up now... oh, no... OH, HELL NO. 

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