Chapter 11

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Draco hasn't said a word to me since the- since last night and I just don't know what to do. I barely slept a wink; I just kept going over and over his last words. Yeah, I can understand why maybe he wouldn't want to take things further but what I can't is why seems to be avoiding me. It almost broke my heart when he ignored my hesitant greeting back in the bathroom earlier.

I can't summon up the will to eat my eggs and my bacon is as yet untouched. Since I came downstairs for breakfast around ten minutes ago, I haven't said a word, a permanent lump in my throat, preferring to wallow in my misery. Harry and Ron exchange worried glances at my behaviour.

"Mione, honey," Harry asks, gently, reaching out a hand to touch my shoulder. "Are you OK?"

I gulp, trying desperately to hold back tears. And nod, not trusting myself to speak. Harry looks over at Ron, who is on my other side, in desperation.

"Are you sure?" Ron's brow is furrowed in concern. I nod once again, touched by their obvious concern. Even if I don't have Draco, at least I have them, right?

Wrong. I need Draco like the air I breathe, now that I've kissed him, experienced what it could be like to be with him, I can't go back. I glance up at him, doing what I've been avoiding for the past quarter of an hour. He sits at his table, face drawn, silent and brroding. I smile hesitantly at him only to have him gaze back at me, grey eyes blank and hurtfully emotionless, before turning away. Nails puncture my already sorely bruised heart as I glance away, close to tears.

How long can I stand to take this?


Is it just me or is Hermione Granger, beautiful Gryffindor Princess, looking a little worse for ware? Just humour me and glance over at her, in between Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. Glossy, normally tidy, brown locks swept hastily up in a scruffy bun, honey eyes dull, face drawn (but somehow still gorgeous-how does she do it...), it's not exactly the best we've ever seen her.

And just look at her widely acclaimed 'other half', Draco Malfoy. He's not looking too good either, is he? Platinum hair messy (but somehow still sexy as hell...drool), clothes as if he's been sleeping in them, untouched food. Occasionally, he glances up at Hermione, metallic eyes staring emptily at her.

It seems we're not the only ones to have noticed the change. All around the Great Hall, students and teachers alike are watching the two, whispering about them, rumours flying.

What exactly is going on?



It's almost Lunch now and the confusion still hasn't come to an end. Even though Hermione and Draco are working together, it seems that is less out of choice and more because they've been made permanent Charms partners. They haven't said a word to each other all day.

Once again, this hasn't gone unnoticed. Th Silver and Golden Trios already being the most discussed people in school, and Hermione and Draco's (former) hatred of one another and most recently their apparent more-than-friendship, simply further adds to this. People just won't stop talking about the drastic change in their behaviour towards each other.

OK, Flitwick's back is turned. Let's eavesdrop for a bit...

"Have you seen them? They're not even looking at each other?"

"And just look at Draco! He looks as if he hasn't slept at all!"

"I swear just yesterday they were totally obsessed with one another!"

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