Chapter 3

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"The hell is your problem Nathaniel?" I yelled at him when I walked through his office door.

"You want some? Remember we used to do this all the time Kathy?" He asked calmly while cutting coke with his credit card. I stood there until he finished snorting a line, then waited a few minutes for the drugs to take affect.

"We only did it twice, Nate." I mumbled. I hated when he bought it up and I hated it when he called me Kathy.

"What happened to you? You used to be so, different. Now you're a prude." He said, chucking.

"You filed for divorce." I stammered.

"Of course. You, you suck in bed, you're fat. Always saying you'll lose that last five pounds this month. It's more like 45 pounds. Oh and news flash, it's not baby weight when the baby is now 7 years old." Nate laughed.

My eyes were stinging and I was trying not to cry, but it hurt.

"Ooohhh, did I make the little baby cry?" He mocked me. Damn, why did I start crying?

"You, you cheated on me Nathaniel. You broke our vows." I said, hearing my voice crack. "Why are you doing this to me?"

"Why are you doing this to me Nathaniel? We had vows. You cheated on me." He stated in a high pitched voice. "Of course I cheated. Maybe if you took care of me at home, I wouldn't have to look elsewhere. Maybe if you didn't let yourself go, I wouldn't have had to cheat." He said softly. Maybe this was my fault. "I mean, come on, you have Cellulite and stretch marks. What man wants to see that? Maybe a little less donuts and a little more exercise."

He did have a point, I had been eating more.

By now, he was standing right in front of me. He was still as handsome as he was 10 years ago, at least to me. He was still tall and muscular, but a little leaner now. He still had a head of thick brown hair, no receding hairline in sight. His eyes weren't as bright, but that was probably due to drug use. The only thing that kind of gave his age away were the bags under his eyes. Maybe Nathaniel was right. I mean, he kept himself up appearance wise. I should've too.

"But, if you really don't want to get divorced, then you know what you have to do." Nathaniel reached to put his hand on my shoulder and I flinched.

"I'm not Harper, I won't hurt you. Have I ever hit you?" Nate asked sternly. I shook my head no. He's never hit me. Nathaniel put his hand on my shoulder and gently pushed me on to my knees.

"Right here?"

"If you do it, I'll rip up the papers." He looked sincere enough, I believed him.

"But someone might come in and catch us." I pointed out.

"Don't worry about that, okay?" I didn't have time to argue, the next thing I knew Nathaniel's dick was in my face. I started off slower, picking up speed and getting more of it down my throat. I heard Nathaniel moaning and cursing under his breath, then I heard something that made my blood run cold. The door opened.

"Oh, sorry boss. Didn't know you were, uh busy. I'll come back later." It was Carson, one of the chefs. Carson was always very friendly, always treated me with respect. This was embarrassing.

"Don't be shy, come in. What's wrong?" Nathaniel asked while putting his hands on the back of my head.

"Uh, we're out of pastries, onions and custard. We're running low on red snapper and the alcohol delivery is going to be about 3 hours late." Carson informed him, while never taking his eyes off me.

" Well, take Red Snapper off the dinner menu tonight. We have a delivery of desserts coming in around 4, so don't worry about that. We'll have enough wine to get through this dinner service, Ooohhh shit, just like that." Nate started fucking my face, and before I knew it, Nate was coming down my throat.

Nate helped me to my feet, and sat behind his desk. "So, you'll rip up the papers now, right?" I asked hopefully.

Nathaniel snorted. "Why would I do that? God I swear you're so fucking stupid. Anyway, you have 5 minutes to get off of this property before I call the police and have you arrested for trespassing."

"But you said, but..."

"Four and a half minutes Imani."

Mortified, embarrassed, and above all, humiliated. Carson couldn't even look me in the eye as I scraped together the last of my dignity and walked out.

I called Courtney and asked her to watch Annie and Amari for me tonight, then I went to Four Seasons bar.

I sat down at the bar and started crying once the bartender gave me my Manhattan.

"Why is someone as gorgeous as you, crying? A man asked. He looked to be about 58, with a belly and wispy white hair. He was wearing a Cartier watch and an Egyptian cotton t-shirt. By God he was unattractive and dressed like shit, but he had money, and he was probably trying to spend it on me. I turned it up a notch.

"My husband, my husband is leaving me." I fake sobbed. I immediately saw his face soften. "He said he's taking everything, and I'm not going to have anything, and I don't have money for a good lawyer. " I said.

"Well, My name is Mark Chalmers, what about you pretty lady?"

"Imani." I smiled.

"Well, that smile of yours is to beautiful for you to be crying. I'll be right back." Mark said, excusing himself.

Mark came back a half hour later with a huge bouquet of red roses that he handed me.

"Lovely flowers for a lovely lady. This is a lawyer. He helped me with my first two divorces, he's really good. Call him anytime. This is for you. Maybe next time we see each other, we can go shopping?" Mark looked so hopeful while handing me $1000 and the lawyers card. I realized right then I could milk him dry.

"I'd like that a lot. Thank you Mark." I said, about to kiss his cheek, but instead I walked away.

Rule Number Four: Gotta be looking pure. Kiss him goodbye at the door, leave him wanting more.

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