Chapter Fourteen

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(Yocheved is pronounced YO-HEV-AD, like on The Prince of Egypt.)

"Good morning! Yocheved Abrams office. How may I direct you?" The perky secretary asked as I stepped inside of the building. 

" Good morning Miriam.  Is my mom around? " Courtney asked,  coming in behind me.  

" Yes,  she's waiting for you in her office,  Mrs. Aderson. You can go back there now. " Miriam replied. 

" Thank you so much!  Call me Courtney. " With that,  Courtney lead me in to her mother's office. 

I was awestruck the second I saw her mother.  I knew Courtney was literally gorgeous,  and her mother was stunning.  She was extremely tall,  maybe about 6'0 and slender. In any other world,  she would've been a model, even at 62. She had beautiful deep brown skin, with pretty black curly hair and alluring brown eyes that sparkled.  You could tell Courtney was her daughter by looking at her,  and they had similar mannerisms too.

" How are my grand babies?  How is my little Haven Anise?" Yocheved asked Court.  They talked a little before it was time to get down to business.

" Mama,  you know Imani.  Imani,  this is my mama. My mama is part 2 of The Calvary. " Courtney explained.

" Hello.  It's always a pleasure meeting a friend of my baby girls. " She exclaimed,  giving me a handshake. 

" Now,  if she got Marco and I involved,  the situation is extremely difficult and delicate I assume? " Yocheved asked,  sitting down behind her ginormous desk.

" My husband, he's kind of powerful. " I  stuttered. 
Yocheved raised her perfectly arched eyebrow. 

" I'm assuming you've spoken with another divorce attorney?"

" He called me ditzy mama. " Courtney explained.

" Zaragoza. " I said.

" He can't win you anything unless you're an old white man on his 3rd divorce. " She chuckled.  

" Okay,  just some basic information.  How long were you married? " Yocheved asked.

" 10 years. " 

"How many children do you have?

" 3 I mean 2." Both Courtney and her mother looked at me quizzically.

" 2 with Nathaniel and I'm pretty sure I'm pregnant again. "  I admitted. 

"Please don't say by Kevin."  Courtney muttered. 

Yocheved raised her eyebrow yet again.  I just looked down.  " You're married to one man and having another one's child? " She asked incredibly. 

" I mean,  I've been really sick lately. I've been nauseated and tired and I'm gaining weight. "  I  explained.

"Okay,  I'll make a note of that.  Do you and your husband live in the same household? "

I shook my head no.

"How much did you make while you were married? "

"I didn't make anything.  I don't have skills or training in anything.  I don't even have a degree. " I said, my face burning with shame.

Here I was,  with these two beautiful women who were educated,  smart,  ambitious, successful and married while I was just a prostitute who got lucky. 

" And why do you want to get divorced? " Yocheved asked.

I took a minute to think about it.  I didn't want my babies growing up,  wondering which home they're going to for Christmas. I also still loved Nathaniel,  as weird as that sounds. 

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