Chapter 5

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( The. Cute officer at the top. )

It was foggy, or maybe I was hazy. I could barely make out Courtney, and who was sitting on me? Where am I? Why is it so bright? Why is it so loud? I tried to get Courtney's attention, but my head began to throb.

"Momma, Auntie Mani is not sleeping anymore." Haven said, then started kissing my face.

" Hey, get a nurse. Imani's awake. " I heard Courtney yell.

A minute later, 5 nurses, 3 officers and Nathaniel came in.

"Where are Annie and Amari? Where are my babies? " I tried to ask. It felt like sandpaper was in my mouth. Annie has a recital next week, I have to get home.

Courtney handed me a glass of water. I drank it all them started again.

" Where are my babies? " I asked lowly.

The officers looked at each other, then at me.
"Mrs. Howard, we have a couple of questions for you, due to the nature of your injury. Would you like some privacy? " The cutest officer asked.

He was more than fine, he could arrest me any day he wanted. He was Nate's height, but more muscular, with these pretty green eyes and messy brown hair. He looked like he carried a bigger baton than Nate too.

Let me stop, He wouldn't want damaged goods. I probably look a mess anyway.

" I have to go, my daughter has a recital in a week, I have to get her outfit and everything else."

"Mrs. Howard, do you know where you are? " The cute officer looked at me with so much concern in his pretty green eyes.

" I'm at home, right? " I didn't take the time to look around me. Gray walls, a large window, a TV on the wall showing the price is right, and tubes, IV machines and nurses.

" I'm in the hospital? " It came out more like a question than a statement. " Who are you? "

" I'm officer Dante Phillips. Mrs. Howard, do you know how long you've been here? "

I thought for a minute. " Uhm, I went out with my friends, came home with the kids, ordered pizza and watched Rio. That was yesterday. " I told him.
Courtney squeezed my hand. The nurses looked at me like I was cuckoo for cocoa puffs. Haven just snuggled up beside me.

" That was 3 weeks ago." Court murmured in my ear.

" I missed Annie's performance? I missed her recital?" I couldn't hold back my tears anymore. "I missed my baby's recital?" It was bad enough one parent was going to miss it, but both? I let my baby girl down.

" I have to be in London by tomorrow morning, so can we hurry with the questions? " Nate snapped on the officer.

" Mrs. Howard, you were in a coma for 3 weeks, you have multiple bruises and contusions, and a burn mark. Do you know how you got those injuries? " Dante was staring right at Nathaniel while asking me.

" She fell down the stairs. " Nathaniel announced.

" I don't recall asking you. " Dante barked at him.

" I fell down the stairs. I can be a little clumsy sometimes. " I lied.

" And the bruises covering your arms and legs?" Dante questioned.

I shrugged. " My husband has never hit me. " I reiterated loudly.

" I think you need to leave now. " Nate growled at the officers.

" They never leave bro. Not until they die. " One of the other officers aid to Dante on the way out.

" She's not dying, right? I can leave now, right? " Nate asked the nurse. She just nodded a yes and rolled her eyes at him.

" I'm still your wife, don't you want to stay? " I asked him before he got to the door.

" Considering I'm the only one making any money in this family, and someone has to pay your hospital bills, I'm leaving." Nate scoffed.

" You can't even wait 5 minutes?" I begged.

" Why should I have to wait for your mistakes? You got yourself in here. " Nate snorted, then left.

Why did he make it his life mission to embarrass me?

" Me and mommy were here all of the days you were." Haven started. She was so sweet and innocent, probably didn't even know what was going on.

I didn't even know I started crying. "Auntie Mani, you want me to sing the happy song? " Haven said, sitting up and cupping my face.

" You are my sunshine, my golden sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are gray. You never know dear, how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine away. " Haven sang, then kissed my forehead.

" And then papa says, just because you have an accident." Haven stopped mid sentence.

I couldn't help but laugh.

" Papa says just because you make mistakes doesn't mean you are a mistake. " Courtney corrected her.

" That's what I said momma. "Haven shushed Courtney.

" Baby girl it's past nap time, so I'm gonna call your papa and you're going home. "Courtney warned her.

" Please no momma! "

"Yeah, please no momma! " Me and Haven pouted.

" Alright, well, I'm going to get us some cos from the café. Venny, if you're not sleep when I get back, I'm calling daddy." Courtney countered.

Venny snuggled up beside me as soon as her mom left, and within seconds, she was snoring on my stomach.

" Don't you ever let a man make you lose your confidence.
Don't you ever let a man tell you that you're not good enough, because you are gold. Some people prefer silver, and that's okay. But you are gold. " I whispered while stroking her hair.

Courtney came back a few minutes later, with two burgers and two sodas, We ate in silence for a while.

" You need to leave him. " Courtney said point blank.

" I know. " I whispered.

" And that officer Phillips seems to actually care. He left his card, and his personal number." Court stated matter of factly.

As much as I loved Courtney, I didn't like when we talked about shit like this. Court came from money, she never spent money from her job, and Chris buys her shit. She has family she can lean on. She's set for life. I don't have money. Nathaniel has money, but knowing him, he probably froze my accounts. She would be okay, I'm between a rock and a hard place.

" So, you're going to leave him, right? " Courtney finished. I zoned out and forgot Court was even talking.

" Where would I go? " I asked quietly.

Courtney paused, I don't think she ever thought of that.

" You like the suburbs? " She asked slyly.

I nodded yes.

" You can have our old home. It's really nice, with 6 bedrooms, a pool, nice walk in closet, lots of space. No nosey neighbors. " Court started.

"I can't accept that, you can't just give me a house. " I objected. Courtney looked atme for a minute, walked over to Mt purse, grabbed my wallet and took a crisp dollar bill out.

" Can I have this? " Court asked.

" Yeah, sure thing honey bun. "I shrugged.

" The house is sold. It's all yours now darling." Courtney announced.

" Thanks, thank you so much. " I said, chuckling.

" That's what friends are for. Just promise me, when we get out of here, you'll call that officer guy. " Courtney laughed.

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