Chapter 4.

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Analeigh at the top. Last chapter Amari was at the top.

"But momma, I don't want to go to piano practice. Why can't I play soccer like Amari?" Analeigh whined.

"We went over this Annie." I sighed.

"I know, I know, Dad thinks it's better for me to play the piano. Are you picking us up or are we going to Ms. Courtney's house?" Analeigh asked, grabbing her bookbag.

"I'm picking you guys up. I'll be back around 5. Call me if you need me. I love you baby girl." I said, kissing her cheek and smoothing out her unruly hair.

"Love you too momma." She yelled, running into the building.

I drove down to the restaurant to met Orlean and Courtney.

"You look upset." I commented once I sat down. Courtney was glaring at her phone, and she was gripping her glass of water so tightly, I thought she'd break it.

"I know this might be trivial compared to what you have going on, but what does a biracial child look like?" She asked. I shrugged.

"Alright so on instagram, these interracial pages will repost some of my pictures and caption it relationship goals, or something like that. I don't mind that, sometimes it's cute, but I really don't mind. Anyway, this page called perfect mixed babies followed me, and I was already side eyeing that name, cause it seems like they were fetishsizing mixed kids and whatnot, but whatever." She took a breath and continued.

"I posted a picture of the boys and Venny yesterday, and I captioned it 'they're growing up so fast.' Today, I see that this perfect mixed baby page reposted my picture, but cropped Venny out. I know it sounds silly to be so mad about an instagram picture, but I'm at my breaking point. I'm tired of people coming up to us and telling Chris that Haven isn't his kid. I'm so fed up with it. To the point where even when Haven was born, the nurse told Chris to run a DNA test cause mixed babies can't be that dark. I don't know, I'm just so frustrated with that shit." She finished. "Anyway, how are you?"

"So I saw Nate yesterday, and he said that he was cheating because I had cellulite and stretch marks and I never lost my baby weight from Amari. To make matters worse, the other day when he came home the other night, Amari climbed in bed with us and he was crying and everything, Nate tells Amari to man up and stop acting like a little girl."I recounted to them.

"He told an 8 year old boy to man up? What the fuck is wrong with him? Courtney screeched. Me and Orlean nodded in agreement. "Little boys and girls need their childhood. Nathaniel needs to be ashamed."

"Nate told me that because I have cellulite and stretch marks, and because I never lost my baby weight from Amari that he could cheat." I choked up a little before telling them this part.

"He told me if I, then he'd rip up the papers. " Both Orlean and Courtney's eyes got wide. I looked down in shame before finishing. "So I did. Then he kicked me out and told me I was trespassing." I said, feeling small.

"I will fuck him up for you. I will fight him and win. Then my husband will fight him, then Courts husband will fight him, then Marco can fight him. " Orlean mused.

"Why would you do that if you didn't want to be with him? " Courtney questioned.

" I don't want to be with him anymore. He's crossed way too many lines too many times. I'm thinking about the kids." I sighed. "If I could, I don't want them to grow up with mommy in one house and daddy in another." Orlean rubbed my hand while Courtney hugged me.

"What about the divorce? "

" I'm meeting with a lawyer at 1, just to go over everything. We didn't have a prenup so that's good for me. I just need to see where this goes. " I explained. "I should get going. " I said my goodbyes, promised Court to call her and headed to my lawyers office.

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