Chapter 6.

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( Kevin at the top.
P.S. if anyone meets him in real life, hand him my number. )

"Um, can we stay with you? Just for tonight, please? " I practically begged over the phone. I felt so small, asking my friends for favors, but it was pouring outside and my babies were sitting in a cab I couldn't afford.

"Sure thing, you know you never have to ask. Chris is making tacos and chicken quesadillas if the kids are hungry. The boys just got a new game they can all play and we can have a girls night in." Courtney rambled.

" Thank you, thank you so much. I owe you big time. I love you, see you soon. "I promised.

I hopped back into the taxi and gave him Court's address.

" I'm going to need you to give me your fare for this part ma'am. You're already at $69.75, and your destination is 45 minutes away, that's easily another hundred, plus your 10% surcharge fee for me coming out in this storm." The portly older African man ranted.

I sighed, dug in my wallet and handed him two crisp hundred dollar bills, trying not to let on the fact that that was literally everything I had to my name right now.

" Daddy didn't want us to come home? " Amari asked quietly.

" Are you and daddy still fighting? " Analeigh added.

" Sometimes mommies and daddies fight. Alright guys? It has nothing to do with you though. " I told them quickly.

" Is that why daddy slapped your face?" Amari pointed out.

" Or why daddy threw pizza on you? "Annie put in.

The cab driver just stared at me through the mirror.

" Those were accidents okay?"I tried to reassure them.

" So, daddy doesn't love us anymore? That's why we can't go home?" Amari's little lips stared to quiver, and I knew he was seconds away from a breakdown.

" Your daddy loves the both of you to pieces. Don't ever forget that, alright? " I maintained, kissing both of their foreheads.

The rest of the ride was quiet, both of the kids fell asleep, and I started daydreaming about better times.

"How is my little princess?" Nate said, taking Analeigh from me.

"I thought I was your Princess." I pouted while putting on my shoes.

"You were, you got promoted to my Queen. Now Annie is my little princess. Yes you are, you daddy's wittle princess." Nate said, making Analeigh smile.

"Well, when is your little princess going to grow some hair so mommy can do it?" I said, making us both laugh.

" Hey, hey lady. Hey, you're here. " The rude taxi driver yelled at me. The storm had cleared up and right above Courtney's home, there was a faint rainbow. Maybe things will get better.

" Honey bunny, we're here." I said quietly, gently shaking my babies awake.

" Alright, do you have everything? I asked while they got out. They didn't even here me, they were too busy running into the house.

" Thanks again. " I said before I left.

" "Should've stuck with your own kind. " He muttered, then drove off.

I tried to shrug off his words, but they were haunting.

" Thanks so much Court. " I whispered in her ear while hugging her.

" Don't worry, we're family."

We walked over to the dining area and laughed at all the kids stuffing their face.

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