Chapter 9.

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( This song goes with the whole book, tbh)

"You're gonna leave, just like that? " Kevin asked, still half asleep.

" Uh, yeah. I gotta go. " I said, putting my jeans on.

" Why did you come here then? " He questioned, pulling me back on his massive bed.

"I came so I could come for the first time in maybe 5 years. " I answered honestly.

" Seriously? " One of his Eyebrows shot up so quick, it wasn't funny.
" Why are you really here Imani? "

" I just, I needed someone, okay? I needed someone inside of me because it felt better than nothing. " I told him truthfully.

"So why didn't you just go to your husband? "

That question hit me hard. It wasn't even the question in it if itself, maybe it was the way Kevin said it or the way he looked at me, that just made me cry.

" Come here Bella. Tell me what happened. " He said soothingly, placing me on his lap. I just cried on his shoulder.

" You can trust me. " Maybe it was his sad green eyes, or the way he was holding me , but in that moment, I told him.

" My husband, um, if he drinks and does coke, then , sometimes, he'll hit me. " I said honestly.

" He beats you? " Kevin asked, sounding alarmed.

" He only hits me when I make him mad, I swear. " I pleaded.

"Did you file for divorce? "

"He filed, but it's going to be a long process. The courts won't even begin the proceedings unless we've been separated for a year and..." I sighed and placed my head on his shoulder.

" Can I lay with you, just for a little?" I asked softly. Kevin nodded, placed me back on his bed, and laid beside me.

I don't know how long we laid there, it had to have been at least 2 hours before I said anything.

" He was the first man that I actually dated. I was 22 when I married him, ya know? Only 22." I started.
" My mom, bless her soul, would've told me to play the field, explore. Not to settle for the first man with a pretty smile. But I was young and in love. And love last forever, right? " I chuckled.

" Well, Christian was Courtney's first, and they're still together. 21 years and 8 kids later." Kevin offered.

I turned and faced him. " That's rare. That type of love is rare. They're the exception to the rule. What about you and Orlean? " I asked.

" We were never gonna last. But, we made some beautiful babies while we were together. "

"My mom used to say that love never last, and I just thought she was bitter. I was in high school, but I heard her cry. I heard her ask about the lipstick marks she'd find on my father's collar, or a number tucked away in his coat. Now I'm realizing she was right. All the little things she'd say, the things she'd do, it's making sense now. I wish she was still here though. " I rambled. There was something about Kevin that made me trust him enough to tell him things I haven't even told Courtney.

" We didn't have a lot of money, you could consider us lower middle class, but my mom made sure I had my hair done. I had my nails and my toes done every two weeks, she made sure that my clothes always fit well. Taught me how to do my makeup flawlessly, how to rock a red lip. How to flirt.

She always said, you're biggest weapon is your femininity. That the most powerful thing in the world is right in between your legs. That it was my duty as a woman to bring every man to his knees. She'd be so disappointed to see me right now. " I mused.

I laid there, thinking about my mom. I missed her dearly. I missed both my parents.

"Listen to me and don't take this the wrong way, but you need to leave him. You're strong enough to stand on your own two feet." He said, rolling on top of me.

" I don't have a job and I don't have skills. I used to be a sugar baby. " I said, looking down.

Kevin looked at me incredulously. "You sound like you'd be a top notch sugar baby, or escort depending on how you feel about sex. "

It was my turn to look at him quizzically.

" What? There's nothing wrong with using what you have to get what you want. And you just said your mom taught you how to use your beauty, use it for financial reasons. Also, men aren't shit anyway." He explained.

" So, you're telling me to be a hoe. What if I made you into a trick? " I joked.

" Wouldn't be the first time. " He shrugged.

" The first time that you paid for sex? " I asked. He was just so fine that I'd never think he had to pay for some pussy.

He nodded. " Women throw themselves on me, so it's intriguing when someone presents a challenge. And it's a high. You have this beautiful woman with you who's smart and funny and great in bed and if you have to get her a new pair of Louboutins to keep her happy, so be it. If you had to fly her to Barcelona for vacation so you could believe you were the only man in her life, so be it." Kevin revealed.

" Women really get all of this? " I asked. There is no way in the world a woman could get all of that shit for being beautiful.

" I paid a girls rent for a year and she didn't even suck my dick. It's the allure, the belief that she's yours, and you'll do anything to keep her. If she's a smart hoe she'll make you fall in love with her. Pussy runs everything." Kevin explained.

After that, we just laid on each other until we both knew it was time for me to go.

I got back to Courtney's house within half an hour, and saw her lounging by the pool.

" You're glowing hon." She said, smiling at me. I laughed a little, but looking at her, I couldn't help but get a little jealous.

Courtney was already drop dead gorgeous, with her long curly hair and pretty chocolate skin, and her body was banging. I could see why Christian never cheated. She has 8 children and carrying the 9th and you'd never be able to tell. Not a single stretch mark, no sign of cellulite, love handles were non existent. Courtney was quite literally, perfection. Something I never can be, no matter how hard I try.

" Hey babe, the cleaner people are done with the house, so you can move in today if you wanted. There's a lady who'll come 3 times a week for the first 3 Months to clean and tidy up. After that you gotta pay Ms. Sanchez yourself. She's really lovely." Courtney stated, going on and on.

" Anyway, the address is 1163 Semper Victrix Way. " Court said as she got up and walked into the house. She came out 5 minutes later holding a set of keys.

" Here ya go. " She handed them to me and I pulled her into a big hug. " Thank you for being my friend." I whispered in her ear.

" We're sisters. It's what I'm supposed to do. " She replied.

I put our little suitcases in the truck and then got my kids so we could go to our new home and start all over.

Hey guys!
I know the chapter is short, I promise it'll pick up again next chapter. I really wanted you guys to have a filler chapter.
Happy holidays!

Also, did anyone want a short story on Kevin and Orlean? If I did it, it would be after I finish this and get halfway through Lessons Learned.

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