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The next few days Felix couldn't stop thinking about the fact he will be tutoring THE Hwang Hyunjin! For a second he couldn't even believe Hyunjin cared about his grades. He thought Hyunjin was the typical bad boy like in every fanfic:
Doesn't care about school, has 200 million girlfriends, a playboy everyone loves and a pervert.


Even tho i don't know much about him, it's clear that he is as single as a Pringle. Although a lot of girls like him, he doesn't seem to date them out of use for him. He also cares about school, people think it's mostly so his parents aren't disappointed in him but either way he cares.
But yes, he is a fucking playboy who flirts with almost everyone in this school, including me.

It seems like he always does it for fun and actually has no feelings for anyone, neither does he care about other's feelings.
He kind of has a split personality.
One day he is a piece of shit when the other day he is just a dumpling.
I'll never understand, but i don't really need to anyway.
I just gotta tutor him for awhile and all of will be over.

Felix's thought we're interrupted by his phone dinging.
He got a text from an unknown number...


Hey Kitty!


'Seriously?' He thought to himself, immediately realizing who texted him.


How'd you get
my number?

Minho asked
your quokka friend
for me.

I swear to God
I'm gonna kill him 😃

Chill, I just wanted
to talk about the
tutoring thing!

What about that?

Well when are
you free?

Probably this Tuesday.

I'm always free
when it comes to you~

Oh my God 😑

Tuesday 6PM
(THERE! I changed it. You happy? NOW STAWP ATTACKING MEH!)
Sounds good?

Yep, see you there!

See ya Kitty <3

You gotta stop

Nope 😁


"This guy..." Felix whispered, putting his phone away and plopped down on the bed, to lazy to get up.

Just when he was about to fall asleep his sister aggressively opened the door of his room.

"WAKE UP YOU ASSHOLE! YOU PROMISED ME WE'LL GO TO GET ICE CREAM!" Olivia screamed, shaking Felix awake.
"Jeez, Livie. You're old enough to go get your own ice cream." Felix groaned.
"I'm not gonna waste MY money!" She said dramatically.
"Fine... I'll take you for Ice Cream if you promise me you'll let me sleep after that." The older said, still not opening his eyes.
"YES! YES! I PROMISE I WON'T BOTHER ANYMORE! NOW GET READY AND LET'S FUCKING GOOO!" The girl said, quickly putting on her jacket and rushung Felix to do the same.

"Jesus Christ." Felix said under his breath.

Word count: 461

♡︎Word count: 461

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