Part 3

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Finn and i were sitting at the bar talking about the most random things, like we usually do, it was a thursday morning, so not many people were in the pub. "another 2 beers please harry" Finn yelled from his seat, i really needed to talk to my mum so i sculled my beer for confidence, "woah Soph never seen you scull beer before" Finn said with a worried look, " i need to go see my mother, i cant keep staying at your house, its crowded enough already" Finn looked at me for a couple seconds, then downed his beer, "alright lets go talk to your mother" finn said with a worried look, i laughed, hopped from the seat and slowly walked to my mother's house, i felt so nervous, i really didn't want to speak to her. Finn and i walked arm in arm to my mums front door, i knocked softly, and with no surprise she opened it with a good tug, " Morning Mother" my tone was very uncomfortable, " You here to apologise?" my mother scoft, my heart didn't want to and neither did my brain, but i had to, " yes actually, Mother, i'm very sorry for the way i acted and i didnt sleep with anyone, and i would like to live here again", my mother laughed and closed the door on me, i was shook, as i went to turn to Finn the door flung open, a bag of my stuff got thrown, followed by the door slamming, i spun to look at finn who was more confused than me, i banged on door yelling for her "What the Fuck!", after a couple minutes she didn't return to the door. Finn carried my bag to the shelbys, i explained to Polly what happened, she gave me a hug, " Hun you can have to basement, ada used to live there but now you can have it" polly smiled, i looked at her with a surprised face, "woah umm thanks polly" i returned her  hug, finn and i rushed down stairs to the basement where we both looked at each other like kids in a lollie shop.  "you know you might need a roommate?" Finn looked at me with a smirk, "haha yeah maybe" i smirked. '' i'll get the whiskey, Be right back" Finn rushed up stairs. As i was admiring my new room, finn yelled," there's no whiskey i will head to the Garrison, don't miss me", before i could say anything he rushed back upstairs, i giggled to myself, i was so happy to be out of that toxic household, and not be worried about consequences. 

i sat down on the couch, when john comes down the stairs, "sweet a place to yourself, don't get too comfy though" john said showing a little smirk, there was something about his smirk that just gave me butterflies, it always has ever since we were little. "Yeah just getting used to it i guess" i said in a quiet tone, we both chuckled,  john walked over to sit next to me, he put his arm around me and i placed my head on his shoulder, it was so calm i felt so comforted, i sighed ''it's too quiet, i used to hearing yelling and rambling", John looked me up and down, " yeah too quiet" he had a smirk on his face, "you better go before Finn gets back or we will both be in the dog house" i laughed, john laughed too, as he went to sit up, Finn ran down the stairs. "Sophie! i got heaps.. what are you doing down here..?" his joy was interrupted by seeing john, sitting next to me, "I was just leaving, i was congratulating Sophie" john said with a snarky tone, Finn glared at him as he walked past, i just rolled my eyes and watched them act like Children! "Is there something going on, he seems to pay close attention to you?" Finn asked, My face went red, but i just had to smile and change the subject, "there's nothing going on i swear, now lets get drunk!", Finn and i are kind off lightweights, so it didn't take long before we were drunk. 

I got a shock when i woke up to the feel of someone next to me, i slowly turned to see but it was just finn, the sigh of relief that left my body woke finn up, who was groaning as always because of his hangover, i checked finns watch to see the time, 9:00am, i slowly got up to get some coffee. walking up the stairs to the kitchen was tiring and i swear i lost all available movement,  as i sat down with my coffee, john walked through the door, he looked at me and laughed, "if your gonna drink so much you have to learn how to recover fast" john said with a huge smile on his face, i flipped him off and gave him a smirk. as john left Finn had gotten up the stairs finally, i smirked at him, and as soon as he saw me he just shook his head "Don't start with me, you don't look or act much better!" we both just laughed and siped our coffee in peace.

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