Part 11

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it was about 10am when The door slammed open, Finn and i jumped to out feet, bolting down the stairs to only see Arthur and Thomas, "Where is John?!" i yelled, Tommy pointed outside, i ran outside to see john grabbing is bags, once we made eye contact he dropped his bag, i ran over and jumped into his arms, i had missed his hugs. John put me on my feet and placed his lips on mine, when i could finally get a good look at his face there were only a couple of bruises and his eyebrow slit, i gave him a disappointed look, "A meeting eh?" i questioned, John looked at me then grabbed his bag and headed inside, i just shook off my anger, i just had to be happy he came home alive.

We all sat outside that night drinking whiskey and smoking, i was starting to get cold, "I'm gonna go to sleep, its late, and it's a bit cold" Everyone wished me goodnight, as i headed inside i heard John, "I'm gonna head to bed too, i need a goods night sleep", "Yeah 'Sleep'" Arthur teased. Pretending like i didn't hear John follow i headed down to the basement, "Sophie" i heard john call from the steps", i saw him running down the stairs and waited at the bottom, once John had gotten to me he lifted my up into a tight hug, i wrapped my arms around his neck a played with his lose hair, he rubbed my back, "I love you okay, remember that always" John reassured me, "I know, i love you too", i lifted my head to meet his eyes before kissing him.i got on my feet, " I'm actually really tired, i'm going to head to bed, you can go back upstairs with the boys if you want?" i was trying to catch my breath, "I would rather stay here with you" John Complimented, we headed to bed, all cuddled up, i faced john combing his hair with my fingers, falling asleep in His arms.

The morning came and I sat and listened to Finn complain about his hangover and listen to Polly tell him how stupid he is. "Are you working today Luv" Polly asked, I looked up from my coffee to answer, "um yeah but not till midday". "I'm going to see Annie I haven't seen her for a bit, Sophie you should come? You haven't met her yet and it's still only early" Finn seemed like a actually wanted me to go, "ahh sure, why not, I will be able to see if she is good enough for my Finn" I chuckled, Finn rolled his eyes and headed outside, "cya Polly", "bye luv".

Finn and I walked for a while, "I don't know why you want to 'approve' Annie, it's not like I Approve John" Finn complained, I rolled my eyes, "it was just a joke Don't worry, and John and I might not be each other's Happily ever after", Finn shot his head towards me, "well he doesn't seem like the Marry and have kids kinda person" I explained, "Sophie, John was waiting for the Right one, and I have never seen him this happy, so I think you are his 'Happily ever after'" Finn reassured me, my face went pink, I never really thought about getting married and having kids but after Finn said that, it was all I could think about.

We arrived at Annie's house, Finn knocked on the door and Her dad opened it, "oh Finn, welcome.. and Um you are?" Annie's dad asked, "um Sophie I'm Finn's  friend", Annie's dad looked at me with a frowned face, "ahh hi, anyway Annie should be down soon". We waited at the door and then a tall blonde haired girl came walking down the steps, once she saw me she pulled a discussed face. "Who are you" Annie spat, " I'm Sophie, Finn's best friend" I replied, she scoffed, "ah ok", from her response I already didn't like her. Annie linked arms with Finn and we started walking, they really didn't include me so I got bored, "I might actually get going I have work, cya later Finn, bye annie" i waved, Finn waved back and watched me walk away.

On my way to The Garrison I bumped into Arthur, "woah watch it Old man" I joked, he rolled his eyes, "what are you doing over this side?" He asked, I sighed, "wel I was meant to hang out with Finn and Annie, but Annie really doesn't like me and it got boring so I left" I explained, "so you don't approve?" Arthur Questioned, I thought for a second, "she's a little wanker, that's all i have to say" I smiled, Arthur just laughed, "i gotta run, Business to attend" Arthur started walk off, "cya!" I called.

I got to the Garrison quite early and just started anyway, got drinks, collected cups and swept up all the dirt like usual.  I gossiped about Annie to Harry who clearly didn't care but I had a hate for her so much I needed to talk about it, "so are you going to tell Finn you don't like her?" Harry questioned, I scoffed, "Hah no! He would lose it saying how he didn't approve of John and I, and how I should give her a chance, I'm just going to leave it" I rambled on.

I finished my Shift Happy, I had told someone about Annie and felt relieved. John arrived to take me to home, "how was your day luv?" John always asked me and I loved it, "I met Annie, total wanker, but Finn seems to really like her, and my shift was alright same old same, how was your day?" I always make sure to ask John about his day considering he has a stressful job, "yeah alright, punched a couple people so it was good" he laughed, I chuckled and placed my head on his shoulder and held his hand and then I remembered Finn saying he had never seen John so happy on the way to Annie's, I started to smile, "what are you smiling at?" John asked, "just something Finn said before it was really funny" I didn't want to tell John just in case it made things weird.

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