Part 7

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I finished my shift at the Garrison at the usual time, 11, i locked the back door and the 'Business' room, as I was leaving I heard walking behind me, I didn't take any notice and kept walking, as i got closer to the shelbys i heard them get faster and closer, I just had to make it to the Shelby's. I was a few feet away and the guy was still following me, as I got my key out of my bag he grabbed me by the neck and pulled me down, I screamed so loud hoping someone would help, the door slammed open and Arthur came running out, he grabbed the guy before he could run, "get inside Sophie NOW!" He yelled, I stood at the window watching in horror, 1 punch, 2 punch, 3 punch and finally Arthur sliced the guys cheek open with the blade in his hat. I was trembling, shaking, I went through the events of my shift, didn't notice anyone out of the litter of drunks. Arthur came inside Panting, "Are you alright?" Arthur hugged me, I was frozen, he started to walk me to the basement when i stopped, "can you take me to johns room, I will feel safe there.." I looked up to Arthur, he nodded and we headed upstairs. "John boy" Arthur whispered, John groaned, "what Arthur", once John saw me he sat straight up grabbing me to hug me, i was frozen, but once i was in his grip i broke down crying, he didn't ask which made me feel better. "Thanks Arthur", arthur headed out of the room closing the door behind him. John pulled the blanket over me and pulled me as close as possible to him, "what happened?" not letting go, he kissed my shoulder a couple times, i took a couple of deep breaths before telling him every thing,"a guy followed me here, i didn't take any notice really, but as i got to the door he pulled me down, Im not hurt, just is shock" i tried not to break down, john didn't say anything, he just hugged me tight making sure i felt safe. not long after my eyes felt heavy and I fell into a deep sleep.

i woke up around 10:40, i tried to get up without Waking John but it didn't work, "You right luv"John comforted, i nodded, "ï just need a shower i should be fine" i responded, John smiled and watched me walk out of his room. 

In the shower I just cried, I was just shook at what had happened, trying to forgot what happened. As I hopped out I stared at myself in the mirror for a while, then heading to get ready. Instead of wearing a skirt I wore a brown dress, I wasn't going anywhere anyway it was just something to sit around in.

The whole morning i kept on thinking about what the guy looked like from last night but I couldn't get a good look considering Arthur had beaten him up so quickly. I headed up the stairs to the kitchen where Finn was sitting eating his cereal, "your up late Soph, big night?" He asked innocently, Arthur looked up at me, " ahh yeah, lots to clean up around there" I tried not make it sound obvious, I grabbed a cup of coffee and headed to the living room where I read a book, i was not good reader, just like Finn, but it comforted me.

Hours had past and I got lost in the book and didn't realise I had been reading for 3 hours, I sat up and headed to the Garrison for a drink, I was scared to walk there even though it was daylight, so I asked Finn if he wanted to get a drink, "at this hour of the day, are you okay?" He said with a smile, I chuckled " yeah I mean what else is there to do". As we where walking I stood really close, looking around to see if anyone was staring at us, I mean everyone did anyway, but no One stood out.

Once we got inside Harry gave Finn and I a cup of whiskey each, "only 2 of them today, I'm not having drunk teenagers in my bar" he said with a massive grin, Finn and I groaned and downed our 2 within minutes, so we just talked, "have you spoken to Annie lately?" I blurted, "um well I've been ignoring her, I don't want to tell her im a Shelby and her freak out!" He placed his head down on the bar, I rubbed his back to comfort him, but I know it didn't help. "Anyway what's your love life like ?" Finn asked me with a smirk, I couldn't tell him about john, "um well I don't have a one, just living my life without a boyfriend I guess" Finn looked me up and down with confusion, I had always been a bit of a hoe, I would have a new boyfriend every month, but the past Year I hadn't. "Sophie Hansley not wanting a boyfriend! Are you sure you only had two Whiskeys ?" Finn laughed, I just shook my head and chuckled

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