Part 15

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i woke up early, it had been a long waited week, i was nervous so i cleaned up a bit, even though John wouldn't care but it helped me calm down. 

i headed to the Garrison for my shift, it was quiet like most mornings but i knew it was gonna be  slow considering i wanted to get home. "have you seen John today?" Harry asked, "Um no not yet, but hopefully tonight, but to be honest he has probably forgotten it has been a week" i chuckled, Harry was a really good listener and i told him nearly everything about my life, he never really told me about his life but he has a pretty average life anyway. "i'm sure he hasn't forgotten, he loves you too much, didn't you say he watches from his window making sure you got home safe?" harry reassured me, i smiled "yeah on my way back from shifts he did" i answered. 

it was finally 11, harry and i started to clean, usually its just me that cleans and locks up but it was good to have harrys help. "Hey go home luv, i can deal with this" Harry offered, "Thanks Harry" i smiled, i grabbed my stuff and headed outside, walking away from drunk men and holding my gun through my purse just incase, i walked past the Shelbys and looked up, John wasn't looking out the window. i arrived home hoping john would be inside, when i opened the door it was silent inside. i headed upstairs, nothing, "What a great night to be working late John" i complained to myself. I got myself ready for bed, i put on my nightgown and laid in bed.   

i was woken by the front door creaking open, it has to be at least 4 am, "Agh" i complain, i roll out of bed and head to the steps, i look down from the top of the stairs, "John?", "Fuck, Sorry i thought you were asleep", Before even thinking i ran down the Stairs nearly falling, once i got down i practically threw myself towards John, falling into his arms, his tight grasp that i had missed and the smell of the cologne he uses. "I missed you too" John chuckled kissing the top of my head. i couldn't let go of him, eventually he pushed me away, he tilted my chin up so i was looking at him and slowly he kissed me giving me Butterflies. I pulled away from the kiss when i heard the sound of birds, " I think that's our sign to go to sleeP" i smirked, i grabbed Johns Hand and pulled him upstairs to the room, falling onto the bed and John lying next me, tightly hugging me making me feel safe. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2022 ⏰

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