Part 14

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Lately, John and i have been fighting quite a bit and it's over the tiniest things, like last night, he came inside the house with dirt all over his shoes, we fought over that, we had a huge fight over who took the most blanket at night. I was getting sick of it and was dreading talking to him worried we would fight, so i headed over to polly's. "Morning Polly" i greeted, "You too i guess?", i frowned, what was she talking about, "Huh? would do you mean me too?" i asked, Polly sighed, "John came to me earlier about you guys fighting and i'm assuming that's why your here?" Polly had guest right, i sat down and sighed, "Yeah, i just dont know what to do, and i dont know whats causing it either, like it's over the littlest things too" i groaned, Polly looked towards me,  "Luv, it's a common thing in couples, its just you and john are both very stubborn, making things worse." Polly explained, I agreed with Polly, we both are Stubborn neither of us want to address the problem. "Thanks Pol", i stood up from the table and walked back home to think. 

later that day John had arrived back home, i was sitting at the table. i had been thinking all day, i was going to be the bigger person and start the conversation. "John", he darted his head towards me, "Oh for fucks sake what have i done know eh!" he yelled. I sighed, "I'm not mad at you, can you please sit down, we need to talk.", i pointed to the chair next to me, he looked at me confused  but sat down, "Your not ditching me? are you?" John questioned, my eyes widened, "What, No of cause not" i reassured, he sighed, "Thank goodness, then why are we sitting?", john looked over to me, "We have been fighting over the smallest things John, and we are both as stubborn as each other", he chuckled, "I think we should take a couple days apart you know, we have been around each other a lot, we just need to take a break alright?" i suggested, John looked confused then looked away for a second, i grabbed his hand in mine, "alright, maybe a week at max, i can't be away from you too long", we both chuckled, i really Don't want to do this but its for the best, and hopefully it works, "i'm gonna head over to Pols and stay there, see you in a week i guess" john stood up, as he went to leave i grabbed his wrist, i stood up, pulling him towards me, kissing him, we stayed in each others grasp for a while before he let go and left to Polly's. 

i woke up to an empty bed, not being hugged tightly or being kissed on the cheeked at 7am. i got ready for work and headed to see finn, praying that John wouldn't be there. i walked into the Shelbys and it was quiet, i walked up the stairs to finn's room, "Hey finn" i greeted, "Oh hey Soph, surprised to see you here, you alright? i saw john in his bed this morning" Finn questioned, i could tell he was eager to know, "John and i are just on a break for a week, we have just been fighting alot so we thought this would be good" i had a quiet tone. Finn sighed, "Sorry, i mean you guys are both really stubborn", I just laughed at finn, "Yeah heard that a couple times" i sighed. "I'm meant to be meeting up with annie but i can stay with you if you need?" Finn offered, "um i actually have a shift to get to anyway" i replied. Finn walked me to the Garrison for my shift and then ran off to go see Annie. 

My shift was boring, i mean every time someone came in i kept praying it wasn't John, it's not like i didn't want to see him, its just i knew i would go running to him just to give him a hug. it was around 11, so i started to pack up, clean and kick out all the drunks, until it hit me, i would have to walk home by myself, yes i had my gun but i was still afraid. i tried to hold off as long as possible to walk home but the later it got the more scared i got. At around 12 i finally got the nerve to walk home, holding my gun in my purse looking around, barely anyone was out. As i walked past the Shelbys i looked up to the windows on the second floor, John was looking through one, once he saw me he quickly shut the curtain, i chuckled, at least i knew someone was watching out for me. i arrived home, checking i locked everything, Front door, Backdoor and windows, i left the hallway light on to help me sleep, i knew this is how it would be for the next week, not having anyone in this huge house and me being scared for my life, double checking locks and being scared by the smallest noises. 

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