Part 6

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It had been 2 weeks since Finn and i had the fight, harry was back working so i had heaps of time to talk to Finn but every time i tried i didn't know what to say, so in my spare time i hung out with john, well when he wasn't dealing with business. Finn was my best friend i knew i had to sort it out. 

"hey wanna go for a drink, everyone is going, well finn isn't" john asked, "Um i'm going to stay home, i need to catch up on some sleep", john nodded before heading back upstairs. I knew this was going to be a good time to speak to finn. i waited for the house to be silent before heading up the 2 flights of stairs to see finn sitting on his bed with a cigarette. ï slowly walked to the door, a shiver went through my body, his room was always cold i just hadn't been in there for a while, "Before you yell at me or something im just here to apologise for.. for the way i spoke to you" i muttered, silence filled the room, i was about leave when Finn spoke, "im sorry Sophie'' there was a pause, Finn sighed, " I shouldn't of hit you, i was angry and it shouldn't of happened", i slowly turned on my heel to face Finn, his face was facing the floor i could see he was disappointed. i slowly walked over to his bed and sat next to him, making the bed squeak, he looked up with tears building in his eyes, "I know you didn't mean it Finn. don't worry", i moved closer and gave him a tight hug, he returned it, much tighter. 

We stayed up talking about what had happened in the past 2 weeks, i told Finn everything, which wasn't very much, besides when i made out with John, which i told myself he would never know about, he told me he had met a girl called Annie who works at the markets with her family, i listened as he described her, "she's just taller than you, maybe 5'7, she has perfect blonde hair, her brother passed in the war, so not that i can relate but she had the same feeling as me when her brother left!" Finn explained, as he spoke about her his face turned pink, i tried my best to listen to the most but i couldn't help think about if Finn Finds out about what happened with John and i. "So you going to ask her on a date?" i said with a smirk, Finn rubbed his neck and chuckled, "I..i don't know, i'm not really dating type, and she doesnt know im a Shelby either", finn looked up to me like i had an answer,"i shrugged, '' well you like her right, and who cares if your a Shelby, you should ask her!", finn smiled at me. We continued to talk for hours until we both fell asleep before the others got back. 

around 3am the boys got back from the pub, Finn didn't wake up from the noise, he is very deep sleeper,  i headed downstairs to make sure none of them were gonna die, "Could you be anymore loud!" i screeched, Arthur, John and Michael's eyes darted straight to me. "What were you doing upstairs?" John questioned, i frowned knowing what he ment, "I spoke to finn to apologise and then i fell asleep after talking, now he's Sleeping so find yourselves somewhere to sleep and pass out!" i tried not to yell very loud, they all groaned as they made there way to the living room, i got them all a bucket each incase they needed to vomit and headed to my bed, locked the door in case any of them felt sneaky. 

it was 10am and i was cleaning the pub up before lunch, when John came stumbling in, "Morning luv, how did you sleep?" john called from the door, i chuckled a little, " i slept fine, until you guys got in, you loud bastards" i smiled, John smirked, "Do you want a drink or are you bored?" i asked, John looked me up and down, still with the same smirk, "just came to see you luv, what's wrong with that"? he questioned, i shook my head before talking again, "Finn apologised, we are all good now" i happily said, johns head shot over to me, "Does he know what we did?", "No.. i don't plan on telling him either, cause he wont find out by anyone anyway"", john chuckled nervously, "well funny that", i darted over to him, "what do you mean?" john responded, "last night i may have told Arthur and Michael.." i shook my head in disappointment, "Let's hope that they were too drunk to remember then". John looked at the ground, i went around the bar to him, i sat next to him, "even if he does find out, he should get over it, he should understand" i tried to comfort john but i was as worried as him. 

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