How to Cure Blackheads

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• Toothpaste
• Salt
• Bowl
• Plastic utensil

1. Combine salt and toothpaste in the small bowl. Mix with plastic utensil until you get a thick paste. Wash your face with hot water and put the paste all over your face or wherever area is needed. Leave on for 3-5 minutes, them lightly scrub your face with lukewarm water, then really cold water.

• Baking soda
• Water
• Toothbrush

2. Combine equal amounts of baking soda and water(one tablespoon water and one tablespoon baking soda or however much you need). Then mix that with your toothbrush until its thick paste, apply the paste on your face with your toothbrush in small circular motions. Leave on for 2-4 minutes and wash with warm water.

Ingredients: Best for sensitive skin
• Milk

3. Simply combine milk and nutmeg until you have a thin paste. Start by cleaning your face and applying the paste with your fingers in light circular motions. Leave on for 1-3 minutes and wash with warm water when done.

• One Egg
• Tissue
• Brush/Toothbrush

4. First separate the eggs yolk from its egg white(you don't need the yolk) with a toothbrush or makeup brush. Brush lightly using a small amount on face. Then cut little squares out of tissues , tissues are usually two layers so pull each square apart so you have one layer. Apply the tissues layer everywhere, you put the egg white over your face, then put the egg white over the tissue. Wait 30 minutes and gently pull of the tissue that should pull the blackheads with it.

5. Go to your local grocery/makeup/drug store and look for specific blackheard removing products like lotions,face washes and scrubs. I reccomend the Charcoal Pore Strip by Garnier. I used it and its fast and effective.

• Some of these may not work for you. Everyone's case is different and you just have to try everything and see what works you!

Hope this helped! Comment if you want to request a How To.

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