How To Be A New You

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1. Evaluate aspects of your life:
•Decide what you want to change about yourself in general. Then, create a plan, the suites, the needs of the change.

2. Create a positive attitude for a new day:
•Every morning as yourself what you want today to be like. When you wake up, fill your mind with thoughts of your desired intention for the day.
3. Discover who you are:
•Deep down, everyone has something more than who they really are. Live your life from the inside out, instead of trying to make sense of your life from the outside world.

4. Try new things:
•Because you are trying to change yourself for the better and change you thoughts and attitude. Its best to try a new sport or hobby to clear your mind.

5. Keep a journal:
•Call it,"Thoughts and Things". Everyday, write in it. Whatever you feel, what and how you want to lead your life and personal thoughts. Your journal will become a great example of who you are.

Hope this helped. Comment what I should do next and request if you need info.

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