How To Spa Day

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1. Getting the mood
• Get your mind and mood into the "spa zone" with the right music and beverage. Slip into a robe; play your favorite relaxing music, I prefer Yellow Brick Cinema meditation music. Light some incense and sip on some herbal tea, detox water or whatever you prefer.

2. Facial Steam
• A simple pot of hot water is the perfect way to start your spa day . Rub the hot water on your face in light gentle circle motions. Place a towel over your head and let sit to 10 minutes. Close your eyes, breath deep through your nose, and relax!!

3. Body and Face Scrub
• Use any exfoliating body scrub recipe that you love and apply it in the shower on your face and body.

4. Hair mask
• Apply any oil hair mask or hair treatment and wrap in towel.

5. Bathe
• One of my favorite bath recipes is:
-One can coconut oil
-Tablespoon of olive oil
-20 drops of lavender oil
• Put all these ingredients in your hot bath and get in. Don't forget to dim the lights, light up candles, and play music. Stay in as long as you like.

6. Facial Mask
• Get back in a robe and apply facial mask. I prefer the ones at your nearest Ulta store. My favorite and really easy one is mashed up strawberries.

7. Sleep
• Rinse your facial mask off with warm water. Apply your usual right moisturizer and eye cream. Crawl in bed, play relaxing music, and sleep.

Hope this helped! Comment if you need any info.

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