How To Stay Warm

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☕- Onesies/Pajamas
• When you wake up don't even change! Your pajamas are probably the warmest things so have a lazy day and lay around in them!

☕- Cover Up
• Any skin that is showing will make you cold so be sure to wear hats, gloves, scarves, coats, socks, etc.

☕- Layer Up
• Each layer of shirts or coats you add makes you warmer. The best thing about layers is, if you get too warm, you just take one layer off.

☕- Candles
• Its a good idea to have a lot of candles in your home, not only do they provide light and heat, candles add ambience to your home with a variety of colors, and aromas.

☕- Exercise
• Do some stretches or yoga to get your body moving and warmed up!

☕- Warm Drinks
• Make whatever drink you prefer, coffee, tea, hot cocoa, anything! Sit down on the couch and chill with your warm drink!

Extra Tip

It all depends on what's cold. So if your feet are cold, put on wool socks. Of your legs are cold, put leggings or sweats under your jeans etc. Obviously you can always throw some blankets on yourself!

Hope this helped. Comment if you need any info.

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