How To Depression/Stress

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~ Listen to relaxing music
Just lay down and turn some nice music on. It'll help return you to a calm mental state.

~ Go for a walk
Walking by yourself will help you gather your thoughts and clear your mind.

~ Cry
Sometimes, its perfectly fine to cry it all out. Just don't cry at everything.

~ Talk to someone
Letting someone, who you trust, knows what you're going through with help you gain back composure.

~ Write it all down
If your the kind of person who doesn't like to talk about your feelings, write it down in a journal (like me). For example, personal thoughts and opinions.

~ Take bath
Instead of a shower, take a hot bath to clear your mind and relax your muscles.

Hope this helped. If it didn't, read the book Seven steps to Happiness by Pharrel Williams. Its available on WattPad. Comment if you need info on something.

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